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Old 08-17-2005, 02:34 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2005
Distribution: Kubuntu 7.04
Posts: 14

Rep: Reputation: 0
Question Installing a Hummingbird 56k Fax Winmodem for Mandriva 10.0

I bought this new Hummingbird 56k/V.92 Fax Modem that has Linux support. In order to install it, I had to go into the readme. It comes complete with the .tar.gz file and everything, but I don't undersand the readme. Can someone help me decode it step by step? Here is the Readme:


1. Unpack tar.gz package file:

$ gzip -dc slmdm-2.X.X.tar.gz | tar xf -

2. 'cd' to package directory:

$ cd slmdm-2.X.X

3. Review and edit (if need) 'Makefile'.

Note: Probably you will want to correct in Makefile path to your
local linux kernel header files:


Another way is to pass command line the parameter while
running 'make':

$ make KERNEL_INCLUDES=/path/to/linux/include ...

4. Run 'make' command to compile package:

$ make

5. Install.

If you are going to use AMR/CNR/PCI modem type (as superuser):

# make install-amr

, or

# make install-usb

if you are going to use USB modem.

It will install:
- modem kernel modules slmdm.o (modem core), slfax.o (fax)
into '/lib/modules/<kernel-version>/misc' directory
(standard linux modules' directory).
- hardware specific kernel module slamrmo.o (for AMR/CNR/PCI) or
slusb.o (for USB) into '/lib/modules/<kernel-version>/misc'
directory (standard linux modules' directory).
- country settings data file 'country.dat' into directory '/etc'.

Also it will:
- create character tty device entry '/dev/ttySL0' with major
number 212 and symbolic link 'dev/modem'.
- config you '/etc/modules.conf' file in order to provide
possibility for loading the modem modules into kernel on demand
automatically by kmod, when you are going to use them.

Note: currently you cannot use both AMR/CNR/PCI and USB Modems.

6. Config modem country.

You can configure your current country by using module parameters
'country' or 'country_code'.
Add 'options' directive line to file '/etc/modules.conf':

options slmdm country=<MyCountry>

, for example

options slmdm country=USA

, or use module parameter while module loading:

# modprobe slmdm country=<MyCountry>

Use 'slver -c' to see list of all supported countries and their
codes (utility 'slver' may be found in package directory).

Note: Command ATI7 shows installed country setting.

7. Using the modem.

Installation will automatically create character tty device entry
'/dev/ttySL0' with major number 212 and symbolic link '/dev/modem'.
Use one of them as modem device for your dialing application.

8. Uninstallation.

In package directory just type:

# make uninstall

Any help is much appreciated. Thank you.
Old 08-17-2005, 02:53 AM   #2
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2005
Distribution: Kubuntu 7.04
Posts: 14

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 0

Oh, I'm using a PCI modem, not a USB modem.


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