Installation problem with SATA drive and Intel ICH6 controller
I want to install Linux on my Dell Dimension 8400.
Unfortunately I have a SATA drive (Seagate barracuda 160 Gb).
My SATA controller is an Intel ICH6 (as far as I can tell).
In the BIOS this drive is set to "RAID / AHCI", and the
other options are "RAID / ATA" , just plain "RAID" , or "Combination" mode.
When I try to install, the drive is not detected. With some
newer kernels (e.g. using Fedora Core 3, or the latest Gentoo linux
which have the 2.6.* kernel) , the SATA controller seems to be detected
but the drive is not seen.
When this is the case I can change the BIOS option to RAID / ATA
or Combination mode and the drive *is* detected but then I can't
boot up Windows XP anymore.
What I want to do is to repartition my hard drive so that I can dual
boot into Linux and XP. If I can do this without losing my current
XP installation, then I'll be very happy.
Is it possible to partition the system under Linux (with the BIOS set
to RAID/ATA) and then to change the BIOS back to AHCI and have
Windows XP work ?
Does anybody have any suggestions ?
I know almost nothing about the hardware and software issues
that I'm trying to describe so please excuse me if this email is vague
or misguided.
Am I right in thinking that a problem might be in the Software implementation
of RAID ?
Thanks in advance.
P.S. I don't have a floppy drive.