Install Problems RH 8 "lost interupt"
Here goes another journey. (yes, a newbie)
Currently running XP and intend on installing RH 8, MySQL, and PHP another HD. I purchased a device "Nylock Switch" which is a hard-drive selector that "sets" the "boot HD" to one or ther other HD's. I guess I could have done the "dual boot gig" but this seems simpler "I think".
I'll try to make a long story short.
Before actually installing the "Nylock Switch" I thought I would go ahead and load RH 8 on the new HD first. This I thought could be accomplished by removing the old hard-drive, inserting the new one and then booting off the RH 8 CD. When RH 8 booted I used the graphical interface to proceed. It appears to be loading but it gets to this point and stops but continues to repeat the error:
hdb: lost interrupt
Any ideas would be appreciated.