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Old 10-26-2002, 01:22 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2002
Posts: 7

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Install Problems RH 8 "lost interupt"

Here goes another journey. (yes, a newbie)
Currently running XP and intend on installing RH 8, MySQL, and PHP another HD. I purchased a device "Nylock Switch" which is a hard-drive selector that "sets" the "boot HD" to one or ther other HD's. I guess I could have done the "dual boot gig" but this seems simpler "I think".
I'll try to make a long story short.

Before actually installing the "Nylock Switch" I thought I would go ahead and load RH 8 on the new HD first. This I thought could be accomplished by removing the old hard-drive, inserting the new one and then booting off the RH 8 CD. When RH 8 booted I used the graphical interface to proceed. It appears to be loading but it gets to this point and stops but continues to repeat the error:

hdb: lost interrupt

Any ideas would be appreciated.

Old 10-26-2002, 07:28 PM   #2
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Registered: May 2001
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What does your BIOS think is the second device on the primary IDE channel? This is what hdb is refeering to. Did you move a hard disk from being the primary slave to say the primary master and forget to tell the BIOS about it?

What devices do you have in the machine, and what IDE channels/devices are they set to?

Just a guess but it's gotta be something silly like this.




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