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Old 12-11-2015, 05:01 PM   #1
Registered: Apr 2015
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Install driver: UM ONE usb midi interface on ubuntu (is it possible)

This one is for linux musicians. I have a keyboard(instrument) with midi output and a rolland midi to usb interface: Rolland UM-ONE MK2.

The bad news is that none Driver is available for linux in the Official website :
Just windows and mac.

Great news is just saw that they distribute the source code(LGPL) :
Specific to Mac. Can we compile this for Linux?

Is there a generic driver to put this to run on ubuntu ? As we generrally heard of Ubuntu Studio, I thought that this can be possible.Could someone there give me any advice to achieve this feat , or is it a lost cause ? Grateful .
Old 12-11-2015, 05:22 PM   #2
LQ Sage
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Google Search.

Fourth Hit:

First things required to use external keyboard are drivers. I have never seen a USB MIDI keyboard that would have drivers for Linux included in it’s package. That’s not surprising, since nobody would need them. It turns out that ALSA manages to communicate with 100% USB MIDI controllers! The trick is that MIDI over USB is a common standard that every single USB controller uses. Therefore, since ALSA supports that standard, Ubuntu users need no additional drivers to use such keyboards. Just plug it in a free USB slot and ALSA will immediately discover it. Well, it won’t display a message, but you can ensure it has found the controller by running aconnect -i which lists all readable MIDI ports – your controller’s name will be included in the list too! (By the way, that makes me wonder why does other systems needs drivers for that…)
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Old 12-12-2015, 03:20 AM   #3
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MattFly, midi works with alsa.
does your device have something special that would justify a seperate driver/software for it?

in any case, setting it up will be your work.
i think you will find some help here:
Old 11-20-2020, 01:33 PM   #4
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If you are trying to run a browser app or website I have many troubles with Firefox and Chromium on Zorin OS (built on ubuntu) (because they don't support MIDIAccess)
You can search for MIDIAccess Web APIs on developer mozilla website for more infos

So the easiest solution I found is to open the website on other browsers (for me I used Opera to open playalongpiano website and It's working)

Note: I haven't install any midi interface driver yet, am just plugging it and it's working with all my apps on Zorin OS (Musescore, LMMS, Opera browser's websites..)


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