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Old 04-09-2003, 08:53 AM   #1
Registered: Nov 2002
Distribution: Debian testing.
Posts: 143

Rep: Reputation: 15
ifconfig + full duplex


i want to STOP my network cards in linux (RealTek 8139 based cards) from doing auto negotiation, with my cable modem and 10/100 switch. I want to force them both to use 100mb/s full duplex.

I know i can do with this with mii-diag tool, mii-diag -F 100baseTx-FD eth0, etc .. but this only works on interfaces already initialised.

Is there any way you can use ifconfig to set the link speed, and turn off auto negotiation? There is little point in the card negotiating, then forcing it to switch off negotiation, as far as i can see...


Old 04-14-2003, 04:37 PM   #2
LQ Guru
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Dude, hate to be a twerp, but:

ifconfig eth0 media 10baseT

Its in the man page, bout halfway down.


Old 04-14-2003, 07:26 PM   #3
Registered: Nov 2002
Distribution: Debian testing.
Posts: 143

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Rep: Reputation: 15
nice try ..

nice try, but unfortunately it says port: operation not permitted.
Old 04-16-2003, 07:30 AM   #4
Registered: Feb 2002
Location: Leeds UK
Distribution: Fedora Core 3
Posts: 67

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If you have a look at the Documenation for the module you load
you should be able to pass it "option=0x200" or something like
that, for my eepro100 cards this works, and sets 100Mbit/Full duplex.
This is going to be different for different cards/drivers, but if you
look for the docs. for that module in the kernel source it
should (hopefully) tell you what option to use, and what others
are avaliable, they are often interesting to read (in a very sad
geeky way )
Auto negotiate rarely works anyway in real world use, and
rarely sets to FULL duplex, usu. to 1/2 duplex.
It's slightly easier to use mii-tool/mii-diag (easier NOT better)
rather than using passing options to modules.
Old 04-16-2003, 07:58 AM   #5
Registered: Nov 2002
Distribution: Debian testing.
Posts: 143

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Rep: Reputation: 15

ok i don't think i understood all of that... my network drivers (ne2kpci) are compiled into the kernel
Old 05-10-2003, 06:04 PM   #6
Registered: Feb 2002
Location: Leeds UK
Distribution: Fedora Core 3
Posts: 67

Rep: Reputation: 15

If its compiled into the kernel then you will have to
pass the parameters to the driver at boot time with grub/lilo
I am not sure what to pass here though, there should be something
on google, I'll have a look and get back to you.
I have been using RH 7.2 at work and set the cards to
100Mbit/Full Duplex using mii-tool and this seems to have
stuck even after reboot
It isn't possible to configure a network card before it's initalised
(I would imagine that ifconfig starts the eth0 interface and then
applies parameters afterwards [just afterwards] )
Using mii-diag you might be able to change the default settings
Never used mii-diag much, you'll have to search for this one.
Its a hard program to get hold of (not that hard really)
Neat though solved a problem on my eepro cards though.


Old 05-10-2003, 06:18 PM   #7
Registered: Feb 2003
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what exactly are the advantages of full duplex compared to half?
Old 05-10-2003, 06:55 PM   #8
Registered: Nov 2002
Distribution: Debian testing.
Posts: 143

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Rep: Reputation: 15
as far as i understand it, in full duplex mode data can be sent in both directions at the same time (up and down), where as in half duplex, data can only be sent in one direction at a time.

Think of a telephone call.. This is full duplex, as you can both talk and be heard at the same time. However, a walkie-talke radio is half duplex, since only one person can speak at any one time.

Hope this makes it clear.

Getting back on topic, I can successfully force the cards into a certain mode, but only once already auto-negotiated.. I dont think this is my problem any more.. I think it is more to do with NTL's UBR, although not 100% sure. The settings didn't seem to save after a reboot for me, either..



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