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Old 10-18-2005, 10:32 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jul 2005
Posts: 9

Rep: Reputation: 0
I need some help setting up zydas 1211 chipset usb wifi

I've been trying for a while to get my jaht 4054U usb to be reconized my linux. I have tried whoppix and slax. On jaht's main page they have a linux driver but I can't the usb card to be found. I've ran make and make install in whoppix and they looked like it was ok, it had like one error in make install. So I load it with insmod zd1211.ko and so on for the rest of them. They install and show up in lsmod so I plug in the device and I have nothing. Does anyone know what I did wrong. I've tried messing around with slax but I can't get it to work. Any help?
Old 10-19-2005, 04:01 AM   #2
Quercus ruber
Registered: Mar 2004
Location: Bocholt, Germany
Distribution: Slackware
Posts: 135

Rep: Reputation: 24

I have a USB stick with a zd1211 chip in it and it works fine with slackware 10.0. Try these steps:

Go here and download the driver sf-zd1211-src version 20050822 (That's the one I've got). Read the readme, which I've posted below to extract, compile and install the driver. Good luck

ZD1211 - linux driver for ZyDAS ZD1211 based USB 2.0 WLAN adapters


- Kernel 2.4.x. I am developing the driver on 2.4.24, but it
  reportedly also works on 2.4.x. If your kernels version is less than
  2.4.22 (for example Red Hat 9.0 is 2.4.20-8), suggest to upgrade kernel 
  for better support on USB 2.0. 
- Kernel 2.6.x. This driver has been verify on 2.6.6 and 2.6.7.

- To build zd1211 you will need: Configured kernel source code for the 
  kernel you are running. Ideally, Configured means that you have at 
  least run 'make config', 'make menuconfig', or 'make xconfig'. If your
  platform is not SMP system, please don't config SMP supported, because
  when module loaded, this will make unresolved symbol..
- Make sure your kernel usb 2.0 support is running
  - Use lsmod to check "ehci-hcd" module is loaded.
  - If host is not support usb 2.0, zd1211 will run under pure-b mode.

Building zd1211:

1)  untar the package using the command:
    tar zxvf zd1211-XXXX.tar.gz

2)  cd into the new directory and use "make" and "make install"
    to make and install driver.	
    Be sure to have your configured kernel source at /usr/src/linux
    or type make KSRC=[my kernel], replacing [my kernel] with the 
    directory the kernel you want the driver to be compiled for.


- If you have hotplug installed, the drivers should now be loaded. If not,
  load them by hand: modprobe -v zd1211 
  (or Under zd1211-XXXX/zdsta directory use "insmod zd1211.o" for kernel 2.4.x, 
  "insmod zd1211.ko" for kernel 2.6.x)

- Check if the modules are loaded with lsmod. It should look like this:
  zd1211          183576   0  (unused)

- Run 'ifconfig <iface> <your IP address>'

- Run 'iwconfig <iface> ' to configure the wireless setting, here are 
  some examples, more detail information please check with 'man iwconfig'.
  iwconfig <iface> essid "My Network"   //Set essid
  iwconfig <iface> channel 1            //Set channel
  iwconfig <iface> mode Managed (Station mode)	//Set operation mode
  iwconfig <iface> mode Ad-Hoc (Ah-Hoc mode)
  iwconfig <iface> rts 512             //Set rts threshold
  iwconfig <iface> frag 512            //Set fragment threshold
  iwconfig <iface> key s:password [2]  //Set encryption key
  iwconfig <iface> power on/off        //Set power-save mode

Private Parameters:

In addition to the parameters of iwconfig, some can be set by iwpriv:
- open system authentication: iwpriv <iface> set_auth 0
- shared key authentication:  iwpriv <iface> set_auth 1
Be aware that shared key authentication requires a WEP key.

- long preamble: iwpriv <iface> set_preamble 0
- short preamble: iwpriv <iface> set_preamble 1
- iwpriv <iface> get_preamble	//will display the current preamble type

- List current BSS information:iwpriv <iface> list_bss
  You can use "dmesg" to check the result.
Old 10-23-2005, 09:41 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jul 2005
Posts: 9

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 0
Would it be possible to do this on a live cd? Thanks for the quick response.

Thank you a lot I seem to have gotten it to work in whoppix 2.71final. Here's what I did and my only problem so far is I can't get kismet to scan and I don't know what source to use, so far I've used wlanng_legacy after trying all of them, but it won't scan for networks.

Here's my konsole copy
forget the konsole copy it really fills up the screen just to say it found my card.

Anyone now how to config it for kismet here's what I changed in kismet


I only changed the middle line. As I said before it launches then says it's scanning but nothing and I know my network is at least here and about 10 neighbors.

Anybody know how to config it. Thanks

I found these patches for it so it can enter into monitor mode. Anybody know how to apply them.
It has no intructions whatsoever that I could find.

Last edited by jimbob3000; 10-24-2005 at 10:28 PM.
Old 11-03-2005, 02:41 AM   #4
Quercus ruber
Registered: Mar 2004
Location: Bocholt, Germany
Distribution: Slackware
Posts: 135

Rep: Reputation: 24

sorry I can't help you there. I've never used whoppix/live cd, so I don't know. Praps some other folks out there could shed some light on the issue?


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