hsfmodem in LM2005LE
I have searched various threads for info on procedure to get a conexant winmodem working in Mandriva 2005LE and not having much luck.
I tend to make thinks harder than they are but here goes. I found a hsfmodem kernel in the distro but no kernel source for it so I put in the 2.6.11-6mdk kernel which had the source on the cd also. I then went to linuxant and dl'd the driver rpm and installed it. OK so far.
Now I'm guessing here that the install was suppose to install a module to get this thing working, however no module (lsmod) is listed pertaining to a modem or hsf. Modprobe comes back saying module not found. I did a #whereis hsfmodem and found 2 references, one to /etc/hsfmodem and the other to /usr/sbin/modules/binaries/linux-2.6.11-6mdk/. Now at this point I'm beginning to feel like I'm going in circles. The shortest path between two points is a straight line...can somebody put me on that line.I've run hsfconfig and am prompted for region and have no idea as to what to enter here.
Last edited by geden; 05-06-2006 at 02:36 PM.