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Old 01-19-2003, 02:09 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2003
Posts: 2

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HPT374 out of the box - where/when?

After surfing for several days for answer and several attempts to install various flavors of Linux, I have one very good question:

What distribution work with HPT374 out of the box? I mean, really works, without any extra shaman dances. And yes, I don't have another Linux anywhere to compile kernel, or whatever. Just W2K, which could burn downloaded CD images. And I use raid as a raid - I want to install Linux onto my RAID-0. From CD-ROM.

What I tried so far:

1. Mandrake 9.0, 9.1 beta 1, 9.1 beta 2 do not work at all (hang right after first <Enter>).
2. RedHat 8.0 works (sort of). It could see my disks, attached to HPT374, it just cannot see them as a RAID. But I was able to install RH8.0 on a single disk. It was _awfully_ slow. Anyway, this was not my goal - I want to install in onto harware RAID (just like windows .
3. RedHat 8.1 beta broke my boot on windows RAID (and I have no idea how it managed to do it!). Luckily, I was able to recover.
4. So much advertized Source Mage gave me the most headache. On it was said to have kernel 2.4.20, so I decided to give it a try. First of all, that distro had a CD image. Problem is, you cannot burn it from Windows to make it bootable. And from Linux too. The _only_ way to make it bootable is to use cdrecord. Hey, people, how someone supposed to install Linux for the first time if in order to do it he should already have Linux?!!
Amd I managed it only to figure out that in reality kernel was 2.4.19 (instead of 2.4.20).
5. Drivers available on HighPoint web-site simply do not work. I did _everything_ (to the letter) as they told in installation manual, but their driver (hpt374.o) was not loaded.

6. I gave up.

Is there _ANY_ distro that I could just take and install, so it will see my HPT374 RAID as a RAID and let me install on it? I agree to beta, developer or any other distro.

Old 01-28-2003, 05:33 AM   #2
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2003
Posts: 11

Rep: Reputation: 0

Just use this driver (from HighPoint) with RH8.0 .. worked great for me.

(check the instruction in the zip file first)

Old 01-28-2003, 05:42 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2003
Distribution: sorcerer
Posts: 2

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hi there. i just tried source mage and it has 2.4.19 kernel as the boot kernel, but the actualy installed kernel is 2.4.20.

i had trouble with it though, it is not kept up to date very well and compiling threw up loads of problems as many spells were broken (even on the devel branch). so now i'm trying sorcerer and it seems ok. i'm installing on a single ide chain and then i'm going to precompile a kernel + drivers, so hopefully i can get my hpt370 raid0 array working. it's been working with mdk9.0 for ages now, so i know it is possible.

check my other post for updates/advice!!
Old 01-30-2003, 04:55 PM   #4
LQ Guru
Registered: Jan 2002
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HPT374 is not a hardware raid controller. Its a software raid controller. I have a highpoint 370/372 controller that always works with out any problems in Mandrake 8.1 and Mandrake 9 though it was included on the motherboard. I did not setup RAID.

Did you setup the array in the HPT374 BIOS or are you doing it by software in your LINUX distributions. Many people use 3ware or other controllers with on board processor that worked for them.

When downloading Highpoint drivers, only download the driver versions that is similar to your Highpoint BIOS version. Highpoint saids this on their site and maybe in the manual too. Highpoint does have open source code for adventurous users.

Sometimes moving the card to another PCI slot works, but you need to reinstall the drivers in windows again. This means removing the drivers in Windows before moving the card. Backup your data before doing this too.
Old 01-31-2003, 11:51 AM   #5
LQ Guru
Registered: Aug 2001
Location: Dublin, Ireland
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The 370A/372/and 374 are in the 2.5.x kernel series right now, so they may get backported to 2.4.x soon, maybe with 2.4.21, probably not, and since the 2.6.x series is due out sometime this coming Summer, definately by then... you can try out a 2.5 kernel, but you're going to need to upgrade mod-utils to even get a module to load... the problem is that a lot of controllers made it mainstream right when the 2.5 work really ramped up and backporting became less of an issue.




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