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Old 05-05-2003, 08:00 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
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HPT372. What distro do YOU recommend?

Hey yaŽll!
Last week I failed installing both SuSE and Mandrake, both latest versions. I even tried installing Lindows, cause I want to learn about Linux. HereŽs some of my setup:

Abit BD7II-RAID (with Highpoint HPT372 controller),
2 x 80gb 180GXP (IBM/hitachi) disks striped,
2 x 80gb Seagate disks mirrored.

Now as I understood, none of the distros had support for the hpt372. Why, and what to do? Highpoints website donŽt offer the right drivers, well unless I want to install an old version of SuSE or whatever.

When I try to setup partitions I get cold feet when something dont seem right cause I dont want to lose any of them. As the newbie I am, i dont remember the exact lines but there was something like ataraid/d0p01 .... what does that stand for? disk 0, partition 01?

Help me please!
Old 05-08-2003, 07:58 AM   #2
LQ Guru
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Use the search option here for HPT372 and you'll stumble accross some threads mostly led by a guy named Sharky. He's ported the drivers accross the spectrum and has mostly got them working with the last few releases of any distro.

These ATA100/133 controllers are a pain as they mostly came out after 2.5.x activity ramped up. They're in the 2.5.x kernel, but haven't been backported yet, or at this rate since 2.6.x is due out summer, they probably won't ever get backported before the distros release on 2.6




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