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Old 12-12-2020, 06:50 AM   #1
Steve W
Registered: Mar 2007
Distribution: Linux Mint 18.1
Posts: 522

Rep: Reputation: 44
HP Deskjet 3762 suddenly doesn't want to print

I was kindly helped on this forum back in August, to solve a problem with an elderly friend who has Mint on his system and had trouble getting a new printer to work. It is explained in this thread:

It was all sorted and working fine, but the same guy now says his printer mysteriously does not want to accept any more print requests from his Linux Mint. When I set it up, I plugged the printer directly into the Linux box using USB, as it was easier. However, he mentions that his son recently visited and printed something from his Windows laptop and he did it using the wifi connection. However, my friend confirms the USB cable between the printer and his Linux box is still in place. He types lsusb into Terminal and it confirms connection.

I cannot visit this friend peronally due to Covid restrictions in place in my area of the UK, as he's in his 80s. Is there anything this gentleman can type into his Terminal that can help deduce why the printer has suddenly stopped accepting print requests, and how the problem might be solved. Fuller details of the exact setup are given in the previous thread.

Thank you for any assistance you can give.

Old 12-12-2020, 12:28 PM   #2
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Steve W,

First try Mint Menu > All Applications > Printer and see if the HP3762 is set as the default (green tick).
If any other printer is listed, delete it (right click > Delete).

Also see if there are any print jobs in the queue (printer icon in bottom toolbar). Delete them.

Failing that it may be necessary to use the hplip walkthrough:
Old 12-12-2020, 05:13 PM   #3
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The last time you installed the update to hplip and configured the printer to make it work. It may be necessary to repeat that since hplip has had updates since that time. If his PC has been updated it could interfere.

If hplip gui is installed the hplip control panel has a printer control tab that shows the status of the configured printer and allows control of it and the print queue. If there are jobs there they can be cancelled to clear the queue and the printer can be started if it shows as stopped. I have seen a single print block the queue more than once.

Also, sometimes when a printer is used wireless it can interfere with the USB connection so maybe simply having him power off the printer then power it back on could fix it.
Old 12-27-2020, 05:49 AM   #4
Steve W
Registered: Mar 2007
Distribution: Linux Mint 18.1
Posts: 522

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Rep: Reputation: 44
Thank you both for your advice. In the event, his son went round there over Christmas and spotted the actual problem was that he'd stuck his batch of paper in the wrong tray feeder! Once he'd moved the paper it printed fine. There's both of us thinking it must be a problem with the printer drivers or a setting, but it turned out to be something much more simple.

Thanks again.

Old 12-27-2020, 12:35 PM   #5
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It always seems that the simplest things are what get overlooked.
Glad it is now fixed.


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