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Old 09-05-2021, 08:50 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2021
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How to transfert data from Linux HDD to other windows HDD

I'm Lost on internet âne i cant find how to transfert data from a double partition (Ubuntu/windows HDD to a New laptop with only windows

I Can only acces to the windows data when i try to put in external HDD, the Ubuntu partition Is empty :#
Old 09-05-2021, 02:42 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by adopte1rouxcool View Post
I'm Lost on internet âne i cant find how to transfert data from a double partition (Ubuntu/windows HDD to a New laptop with only windows

I Can only acces to the windows data when i try to put in external HDD, the Ubuntu partition Is empty
Has nothing to do with hardware or internal vs. external...Windows cannot read Linux partitions. There are utilities you can load that may work (depending on the Linux filesystem), but regular Windows won't do it. Linux can easily read Windows partitions, though.

If you want to transfer data, boot into Linux, copy the data to a USB thumbdrive (or other removeable media that Windows CAN read), then boot back into Windows and copy the data off. Windows doesn't like to play nicely with others.
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Old 09-05-2021, 03:00 PM   #3
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Ya what he said, noting that you can boot into linux from any live iso; you do not have to install it in order to copy files around if linux is not already installed on the machine you're messing with.

Also note if you can't write to the windows drive from linux, usually it means you didn't do a full shutdown from windows; linux won't let you write to it NTFS drives if they report hibernated or incomplete shutdown (as a good safety measure to prevent data loss etc).

Last edited by enigma9o7; 09-05-2021 at 03:04 PM.
Old 09-25-2021, 02:45 PM   #4
LQ Newbie
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You didn't say whether you are trying to create a new dual boot system, or just copy some of your data.

If only copying data, you can copy it to a USB drive formatted as FAT32, NTFS, that Windows can read, as suggested by other posters.

If you want to, you could also remove the disk from the Windows system and connect it directly to your Linux machine. Linux will be able to mount
and read the Windows partitions. This may save some time if you need to copy large amounts of data.

Creating a new dual boot system is problematic. Ubuntu and other distros have logic to shrink the Windows partitions so they can install in the free space.
I tried this on a Dell laptop several years ago, and fount that Ubuntu was unable to shrink the Windows partitions as a result of Windows locating its numerous partitions (10) across the entire disk.


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