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Old 03-18-2022, 11:02 AM   #1
Registered: Oct 2010
Posts: 154

Rep: Reputation: 3
How to switch vga cable of a Studioworks 500

Hello. My monitor, a LG studioworks is showing color problems. The cause is the cable, since moving it changes the color radically. I used to be able to put it in a position where the colors would be correct. However, due to the daily movement that I have to apply on the cpu tower (to be able to fit an USB drive on its back) now it's not possible anymore (or nearly impossible)

So I decided to switch the cable. But the problem is that the vga cable seems to be plugged inside the monitor, not showing one of the ends. So, I am not sure if I must pull it very hard to try to release it or if is necessary to open the monitor to, perhaps, be able to do so.

So I would like suggestions on how to proceed to change the cable, if possible. To make easier to understand the issue, I took a photo of the monitor's back, showing the vga cable behind the power cable.
Old 03-18-2022, 12:35 PM   #2
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What you see is a strain relief grommet which is part of the cable. Have you checked to make sure the cable connector is secured on the tower? Tighten both sides and that it appears flat against the mating side?

It is necessary to open the case to remove the cable but the cable end inside the monitor is probably not a 15 pin D connector like the other end. You probably need to find the exact cable assembly made for the monitor, something like this:

Unfortunately it maybe easier in time and effort to just buy a new monitor.

Last edited by michaelk; 03-18-2022 at 12:37 PM.
Old 03-18-2022, 01:35 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by coltson View Post
However, due to the daily movement that I have to apply on the cpu tower (to be able to fit an USB drive on its back)
You should avoid daily movement of your tower.

What do you exactly mean with "cpu tower"?

If you mean a tower computer case check if your mainbaord provides 10-pin USB connectors and if so connect an internal card reader which provides one ore more USB-A jacks to it. One free 3½″ or 5¼″ slot is required in case front for card-reader.

@Monitor: Buy a new one. Opening monitor's case is dangerous and should only be done by electricians. If your graphics card provides a DVI jack you can connect a new flat panel monitor to it.
Old 03-18-2022, 05:59 PM   #4
Registered: Oct 2010
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Originally Posted by michaelk View Post
Have you checked to make sure the cable connector is secured on the tower? Tighten both sides and that it appears flat against the mating side?
I didn't understand this. Do you mean if it firmly attached to the monitor? If so, yes, I pulled it and it won't go out.

If you mean a tower computer case check if your mainbaord provides 10-pin USB connectors and if so connect an internal card reader which provides one ore more USB-A jacks to it. One free 3½″ or 5¼″ slot is required in case front for card-reader.
I would have to open the case to check it, which is cumbersome at the moment, as I used tape and rubber band to fix the cable on the lateral of the case. Anyway, in case I believe it this internal card reader would be too expensive for too little practical gain.

Opening monitor's case is dangerous and should only be done by electricians.
Even disconnected from the power socket?

Anyway, I think I will take the monitor to the technical assistance on Monday, as I believe it will cheaper than buying another, especially if something so heavy has to be send through mail. I still have to discuss this with the other user.

Last edited by coltson; 03-18-2022 at 06:00 PM.
Old 03-18-2022, 06:15 PM   #5
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I didn't understand this. Do you mean if it firmly attached to the monitor? If so, yes, I pulled it and it won't go out.
You should not be able to pull it out. Its physically attached to the monitor. I was asking about the cable end at the tower itself. Sometimes people including me do not screw down the connector tight enough or make sure it is plugged in straight when tightening the screws.

If you wiggle the cable at the monitor and you see good video then its probably not the tower end.

High voltage capacitors may have a charge when disconnected.


cable, monitor

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