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Old 07-11-2005, 01:27 PM   #1
Registered: Jan 2004
Location: Los Angeles
Distribution: Slack64 14.1
Posts: 581

Rep: Reputation: 38
How to Stop SCSI Parity Error Messages

Not sure if I should be posting this here, or in the Slackware forum. But I'll try here first. I've just rebuilt my system, that was running Slack 10.0, kernel 2.4.26, with Slack 10.1, kernel 2.6.10. It's exactly th same hardware, nothing changed. Now, I'm getting a bunch of messages abont scsi Parity Errors.

Her's what I get when i "modprobe aic7xxx":

Jul 8 01:08:40 The-Tardis kernel: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKC] enabled at IRQ 11
Jul 8 01:08:40 The-Tardis kernel: <Adaptec 2940 SCSI adapter>
Jul 8 01:08:40 The-Tardis kernel: aic7870: Single Channel A, SCSI Id=7, 16/253 SCBs
Jul 8 01:08:40 The-Tardis kernel:
Jul 8 01:08:47 The-Tardis kernel: scsi0: PCI error Interrupt at seqaddr = 0x7
Jul 8 01:08:47 The-Tardis kernel: scsi0: Data Parity Error Detected during address or write data phase
Jul 8 01:08:54 The-Tardis kernel: scsi0: PCI error Interrupt at seqaddr = 0x8
Jul 8 01:08:54 The-Tardis kernel: scsi0: Data Parity Error Detected during address or write data phase
Jul 8 01:08:57 The-Tardis kernel: (scsi0:A:0): 5.000MB/s transfers (5.000MHz, offset 15)
Jul 8 01:08:59 The-Tardis kernel: Attached scsi tape st0 at scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0
Jul 8 01:08:59 The-Tardis kernel: st0: try direct i/o: yes (alignment 512 B), max page reachable by HBA 1048575
Jul 8 01:09:07 The-Tardis kernel: scsi0: PCI error Interrupt at seqaddr = 0x9
Jul 8 01:09:07 The-Tardis kernel: scsi0: Data Parity Error Detected during address or write data phase
Jul 8 01:09:13 The-Tardis kernel: scsi0: PCI error Interrupt at seqaddr = 0x9
Jul 8 01:09:13 The-Tardis kernel: scsi0: Data Parity Error Detected during address or write data phase
Jul 8 01:09:17 The-Tardis kernel: st0: Block limits 1 - 16777215 bytes.
Jul 8 01:09:24 The-Tardis kernel: scsi0: PCI error Interrupt at seqaddr = 0x9
Jul 8 01:09:24 The-Tardis kernel: scsi0: Data Parity Error Detected during address or write data phase
Jul 8 01:09:31 The-Tardis kernel: scsi0: PCI error Interrupt at seqaddr = 0x7
Jul 8 01:09:31 The-Tardis kernel: scsi0: Data Parity Error Detected during address or write data phase
Jul 8 01:09:37 The-Tardis kernel: scsi0: PCI error Interrupt at seqaddr = 0x7
Jul 8 01:09:37 The-Tardis kernel: scsi0: Data Parity Error Detected during address or write data phase
Jul 8 01:09:43 The-Tardis kernel: scsi0: PCI error Interrupt at seqaddr = 0x8
Jul 8 01:09:43 The-Tardis kernel: scsi0: Data Parity Error Detected during address or write data phase

And the errors keep repeating every 8 seconds, or so. After I actually use the drive, the messages change to:

Jul 8 01:10:03 The-Tardis kernel: scsi0: PCI error Interrupt at seqaddr = 0x8
Jul 8 01:10:03 The-Tardis kernel: scsi0: Data Parity Error Detected during address or write data phase
Jul 8 01:10:03 The-Tardis kernel: scsi0: WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING
Jul 8 01:10:03 The-Tardis kernel: scsi0: Too many PCI parity errors observed as a target.
Jul 8 01:10:03 The-Tardis kernel: scsi0: Some device on this bus is generating bad parity.
Jul 8 01:10:03 The-Tardis kernel: scsi0: This is an error *observed by*, not *generated by*, this controller.
Jul 8 01:10:03 The-Tardis kernel: scsi0: PCI parity error checking has been disabled.
Jul 8 01:10:03 The-Tardis kernel: scsi0: WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING
Jul 8 01:10:10 The-Tardis kernel: scsi0: PCI error Interrupt at seqaddr = 0x9
Jul 8 01:10:10 The-Tardis kernel: scsi0: Data Parity Error Detected during address or write data phase
Jul 8 01:10:10 The-Tardis kernel: scsi0: WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING
Jul 8 01:10:10 The-Tardis kernel: scsi0: Too many PCI parity errors observed as a target.
Jul 8 01:10:10 The-Tardis kernel: scsi0: Some device on this bus is generatingbad parity.
Jul 8 01:10:10 The-Tardis kernel: scsi0: This is an error *observed by*, not *generated by*, this controller.
Jul 8 01:10:10 The-Tardis kernel: scsi0: PCI parity error checking has been disabled.
Jul 8 01:10:10 The-Tardis kernel: scsi0: WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING
Jul 8 01:11:07 The-Tardis kernel: scsi0: PCI error Interrupt at seqaddr = 0x8
Jul 8 01:11:07 The-Tardis kernel: scsi0: Data Parity Error Detected during address or write data phase
Jul 8 01:11:07 The-Tardis kernel: scsi0: WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING
Jul 8 01:11:07 The-Tardis kernel: scsi0: Too many PCI parity errors observed as a target.
Jul 8 01:11:07 The-Tardis kernel: scsi0: Some device on this bus is generating bad parity.
Jul 8 01:11:07 The-Tardis kernel: scsi0: This is an error *observed by*, not *generated by*, this controller.
Jul 8 01:11:07 The-Tardis kernel: scsi0: PCI parity error checking has been disabled.
Jul 8 01:11:07 The-Tardis kernel: scsi0: WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING

And again, they repeat every 8 seconds.

The tape drive appears to work fine, so even if no-one knows how to stop the errors, does anyone know how to stop them being logged in /var/log/syslog, as it's getting HUGE.

Old 07-11-2005, 04:06 PM   #2
LQ Guru
Registered: Sep 2001
Location: Montreal, Canada
Distribution: Slackware; Debian; Gentoo...
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well... there is not much to do unless you want to edit the kernel code. It's not that hard if you want to try, if you have minimal knowledge of C language you will be fine, just find out the good places where to put comments

But still, these messages are not normal, I noticed that kernel 2.6 increased the logging, but still, make sure your hardware is fine and not about to die. Parity errors might be caused by bad cable too I believe.
Old 07-12-2005, 10:40 AM   #3
Registered: Jan 2004
Location: Los Angeles
Distribution: Slack64 14.1
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I'd still like to try and find out what's causing these. Every 8 seconds seems too regular to be flakey hardware.

Old 07-12-2005, 10:55 AM   #4
LQ Guru
Registered: Sep 2001
Location: Montreal, Canada
Distribution: Slackware; Debian; Gentoo...
Posts: 2,163

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As I said, it seems they added "extra logging" in kernel 2.6 . As example, I have to edit svc.c (something relative to sun RPC and NFS) to comment the "paranoia logging" define line, or my logs are filled with total crap.
Old 07-12-2005, 02:31 PM   #5
Registered: Jan 2004
Location: Los Angeles
Distribution: Slack64 14.1
Posts: 581

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Rep: Reputation: 38
OK. Got part way to the bottom of this. It's a conflict between the scsi drivers and the nVidia driver. Version 1.0-7667 from nVidia's web site. Reverting back to the Xorg's nv driver cleared up the problem.

Guess I need to try and persue this elsewhere.



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