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Old 07-20-2006, 02:42 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jul 2006
Distribution: Ubuntu 8.04
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How to install USB ADSL%ODEM in SUSE 10.1

I have Linux Suse 10.1 and a USB ADSL MODEM (SmartAX MT810 - )
I tried to install the driver as it's mentioned in the manual but I couldn't, (I got a lot of errors),
please help me :
How to install this usb modem (step by step);;
the manual :
This document intends to outline the steps required to install the Linux driver for USB ADSL modems. The driver is compatible with most of the Linux distributions such as RedHat, SuSE, and Mandrake. The installation is script based and therefore, is not limited to different Linux distribution packaging methods.
The installation package consists of the following

User Manual
SmartAX MT810 ADSL CPE Chapter 2
Installation and Configure
For each Linux distribution, there is an installation script. The installation scripts are located in the ADI_DRIVER directory. Each script has two input arguments, one is the full path of the driver installation directory (or “. /” if you already changed the directory to that location), and the other is the directory name of the kernel source code located in the “/usr/src/” directory. (For example, in RedHat 8.0 the directory name of the kernel source code is “linux-2.4.18-14”).
The following is the synopsis of the Installation scripts:
1) ./Install distribution “driver_installation_directory” “kernelSource_dirName”.
2) For instance, if you want to install the driver in SuSE version 8.0, and the current directory is ADI_DRIVER, the following is the command:./Install_SUSE8.1 ./ linux-2.4.19.SuSE
?? Note:
To determine the current kernel version, you can run “uname –a”. This name is usually the same as that of kernel source code directory; you have to go to /usr/src/ to confirm this. (For example, in SuSE 8.1 uname returns 2.4.19-4GB while the actual directory name in /usr/src/ is linux-2.4.19.SuSE).
User Manual
SmartAX MT810 ADSL CPE Chapter 2
Installation and Configure
2.2.1 Pre-installation notes
1) Install the kernel source prior to the driver installation. Kernel source code is located in “/usr/src/” directory. Refer to your Linux distribution manual for instructions on installing the kernel source code.2) You should login as root.
3) Make sure the modem is not connected to the USB cable. You should plug in the modem when the installation is successfully completed.
2.2.2 Installation steps
1) Insert the attached installation disk into your CD-ROM, and there are three files in the /mnt/cdrom/Drivers/Linux directory: ADI_DRIVER, ADI_PPPOA, and ADI_PPPOE.
2) Change the directory to. …/Drivers/Linux /ADI_DRIVER
3) Run the installation scripts, To install the driver in SuSE version 8.0, run the command /Install_SUSE8.1 ./ linux-2.4.20-8
4) Plug in the modem when the message appears at the end of the installation, prompting “ADI USB ADSL driver installed successfully” .


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