how to install nvidia-driver-450 on debian 11?
on the same machine I have nvidia-driver-450 installed under ubuntu 20.4.
Anyway I like it because PRIME profiles works and allows me to change to Power Saving mode that makes my battery last longer.
now on this machine but on Debian 11, i had nvidia installed but I just cannot find PRIME profiles that allows to switch to Power Saving mode.
Just now I apt remove nvidia*
now, if I could do "apt install nvidia-driver-450" then i may get PRIME working, but it does not work.
Right now, under debian 11 and this brand new laptop, I only have 2 hours
of battery life. I think the battery probably longer if I boot to Ubuntu. Under ubuntu, it reports fluctuating numbers like 7+ H, 4+H, and 2+H, which I think
might have to do with the load at that time and probably average to 3.5H, still better than the mere 2H on debian.