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Old 02-11-2003, 11:51 PM   #1
Registered: Aug 2002
Location: Philippines
Distribution: Slackware, CentOS, Ubuntu
Posts: 325

Rep: Reputation: 30
how to install external modem (serial) in Red Hat Linux 8.0

im running Redhat 8.0...
my system detects the modem before moving to Xwin..
it detects "Cirrus 56k EXternaL" - just something like that
and it displays something... "CONFIGURE IGNORE "
and im not sure what the other one is...
and i chose configure and it started XWIN...
when i get to XWIN... how can i install the modem..
how can i know if the modem is already installed?
when i run hardware browser... there isn't any modem listed there...
how can i install the modem properly?
need help...
Old 02-12-2003, 01:08 AM   #2
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Re: how to install external modem (serial) in Red Hat Linux 8.0

Originally posted by kublador
im running Redhat 8.0...
my system detects the modem before moving to Xwin..
it detects "Cirrus 56k EXternaL" - just something like that
and it displays something... "CONFIGURE IGNORE "
and im not sure what the other one is...
and i chose configure and it started XWIN...
Good choice!

That last bit looks like part of the options dialog box that Kudzu displays when it detects new hardware. Sounds like your modem is being detected.


when i get to XWIN... how can i install the modem..
how can i know if the modem is already installed?
when i run hardware browser... there isn't any modem listed there...
how can i install the modem properly?
need help...
Have you tried running some serial communications program like, say, minicom? If the modem is properly connected, you should see the status lights change once you fire up the program. You should also be able to issue modem commands and see a response from the modem. For example, you could try dialing your own phone number and get the response `BUSY'.

If you can get the software to work with the modem, I wouldn't pay much attention to what the hardware browser says. I have an entry that shows up as ``Sony SDT-7000'' (my tape drive) yet it lists the manfacturer as `Unknown'. And my NCR 53c800-based SCSI controller is an `Unknown device'. So I wouldn't worry too much about what the hardware browser shows (or doesn't show).

Post your results from any attempts to access the modem and I'm sure someone can give you further help.

Good luck,



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