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Old 01-18-2003, 02:52 PM   #16
Registered: Sep 2001
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Jason, don't solve things by simply switching distros, that won't solve everything. You'll find you'll learn a lot by getting even simple things like sound configured.

For example, you'd have to learn about permissions, loading modules, finding specific programs or their versions... it goes on and on. Then all the things you learned doing this project will inevitablely come in handy for the next project.

Perhaps you're install of RedHat is somehow fubar. In that case, I would try a new install, but as a general rule, reinstalling linux isn't the way to fix stuff - I used to do it as a habit from windows.

Plus, once you get this straight, you've conquered!!

Bottom line, if it worked in Mandrake, it should work in Redhat, one way or another. Good luck!
Old 01-18-2003, 03:03 PM   #17
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You mean to tell my by searching this site, you couldn't find one post that would help you with this card. From my search it comes up with 229 posts with it. This card is very common and its been asked and answered all the time.

Almost everyone recommends using the drivers from . Have you even attempted to go to that site or try the drivers from there even.

Last edited by trickykid; 01-18-2003 at 03:06 PM.
Old 01-18-2003, 05:49 PM   #18
Jason P
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Yeah I just went and downloaded the athlon driver for sound. I tried to run the rpm file and it told me I had or needed a key?

hehehehe, can I scream yet? rofl

Well changing distributions can fix your problems in a way. Mandrake worked great, all the sound everything, but it was so slow and kept locking up. Not sure what the problem was there.

But redhat runs like a charm, just no sound.
Old 01-18-2003, 08:21 PM   #19
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While I don't run Mandrake, there are lots of folks on this forum that do, and it runs great for them. It's not the distros fault... that was my point before.
Old 01-18-2003, 10:05 PM   #20
Jason P
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well tuned low,

Thats what I mean about this forum, everyone throws in their one thing that should fix the problem, and if it does not, then no one else even tries.

I wonder why this forum was even started? No one seems to know Jack about linux on here and no I do not claim to know it either.

All I am saying, is that if you're going to run a site called then back it up.

Linuxquestions tells me that you guys have the answers.

.ORG means its free.

Old 01-18-2003, 10:09 PM   #21
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Well I don't know about the rest of you but I'm throwing in the towel... I've asked this guy numerous times to post the results of various diagnostic commands in an effort to help him. He ignores the request and just whines about how nobody helps him. I've tried... others have tried... There is no helping someone who doesn't want to be helped. Have a nice day Jason.
Old 01-18-2003, 10:11 PM   #22
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Be glad people are trying to help you.
Old 01-18-2003, 11:36 PM   #23
LQ Guru
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Originally posted by Jason P
well tuned low,

Thats what I mean about this forum, everyone throws in their one thing that should fix the problem, and if it does not, then no one else even tries.

I wonder why this forum was even started? No one seems to know Jack about linux on here and no I do not claim to know it either.

All I am saying, is that if you're going to run a site called then back it up.

Linuxquestions tells me that you guys have the answers.

.ORG means its free.

With your attitude who would want to help you now. I actually know the answer to your question by searching this site, google and by reading your posts. I've seen it come up many times and answered but I've never seen someone who cried more about it not working, about the responses from others that it didn't work and then criticizes the site in whole.

And yes as this site says, that means its a non-profit site setup to help others for free. It gives other members in the Linux community a chance to come and help others in their free time. You certainly don't understand the concept of a site you can register for free and post a question in hopes of someone answering it for you.

If you want some gaurantee, why don't you fork out the money and pay redhat to support you when you have a question regarding Linux ?

This site doesn't have to exist, you know the owner actually doesn't make money off this site. You should be thankful this site and others like it even exist.

But since you don't think so highly of this site, why don't you post your questions elsewhere then. Cause your certainly making no friends here and I'm sure we don't mind losing just one unhappy member.
Old 01-18-2003, 11:42 PM   #24
Jason P
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You are delusional. You searched the site and "know" the answer???? Well then why have you not posted it if you know it??

Truth is you know jack s&%^

Come to think of it I think I will buy redhat support, not going to get any here. See you later..............
Old 01-18-2003, 11:45 PM   #25
LQ Guru
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Originally posted by Jason P

You are delusional. You searched the site and "know" the answer???? Well then why have you not posted it if you know it??

Truth is you know jack s&%^

Come to think of it I think I will buy redhat support, not going to get any here. See you later..............
Because you act like a 5 year old tugging on his daddy's pants. Yes, I could fix your problem after I reread what you've posted and others had you try. But should I give you the answer. NO. You don't deserve to be answered after showing total disrespect to me and every member on this site.
Old 01-18-2003, 11:48 PM   #26
Registered: Sep 2001
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As far as I've noticed, people have tried to help. I'm a newbie myself, and don't have all the answers, I've suggested what I would/could have done. I'm not sitting at your machine, I don't know exactly what you have running, what all you installed etc...

I was further trying to help by noting that it's not that RedHat has issues with sound, or that Mandrake runs crappy. You can do whatever you want in linux. But it's not point and click. If you have a million apps going and every possible service running any distro is going to give you problems.

Check out this too:

And don't take it all personal. And post your solution when you figure it out so others can learn from this thread. Thanks.

Posted this before I read the above exchange between you and trickykid. He did just help you! If he found the answers here you can too. Skim through some of his 6000+ posts!! Think he's given support??!! Jeez.

Last edited by tunedLow; 01-19-2003 at 12:00 AM.
Old 01-19-2003, 12:06 AM   #27
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This thread is going nowhere fast. Closed.

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