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Old 05-25-2020, 09:27 PM   #16
Registered: Oct 2016
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One more oddity - since I switched to the AMD kernel et al; this Azio keyboard's media keys have started working.

And oh, yeah - wasn't there an announcement today that our Mr. Torvalds is henceforth only going to use AMD in kernel development? Or did I read that wrong?

Last edited by binkyd; 05-25-2020 at 09:31 PM.
Old 05-25-2020, 09:37 PM   #17
Registered: Jul 2013
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Originally Posted by binkyd View Post
One more oddity - since I switched to the AMD kernel et al; this Azio keyboard's media keys have started working.

And oh, yeah - wasn't there an announcement today that our Mr. Torvalds is henceforth only going to use AMD in kernel development? Or did I read that wrong?
I just noticed that you listed your CPU in another post, Processor AMD Ryzen 7 2700 Eight-Core Processor x 8.
I have the same CPU (which I should have, and the 2700 (and possibly other models of that particular generation) have a weak memory control chip, hence me getting those lockups or random, strange behavior, since, again, I ran 4 sticks of RAM at a high speed.
Only when I took out 2 it ran flawlessly at the speed I thought was okay, so it turned out to be memory frequency, while I thought it was me not having set the voltages right, etc.

So, if you have 4 sticks of ram too (or perhaps 2 at very very very high speed, possibly)then set their frequency to something low and start from there.

It's a known issue, here is one example of it.
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Old 05-27-2020, 12:34 PM   #18
Registered: Oct 2016
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Thanks, I checked and have 2 x 8 GB GDDR4 sticks at 2400 MT/s; I'd previously run an overnight memtest that found no problems.

Also, this delay stuff has started up on an all-Intel box, too. And someone put me onto the Kernel docs for USB

and there's an issue with USB autosuspend. It's left me really confused cuz I don't yet know enough, but it looks do-able for someone with who can follow it. I'll get it someday, but maybe somebody else with this issue can figure out which of the several fixes suggested to use.

Last edited by binkyd; 05-27-2020 at 12:47 PM.
Old 05-28-2020, 04:12 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by binkyd
and there's an issue with USB autosuspend. It's left me really confused cuz I don't yet know enough, but it looks do-able for someone with who can follow it. I'll get it someday, but maybe somebody else with this issue can figure out which of the several fixes suggested to use.
I'd be looking for ACPI or Kernel fixes, personally.


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