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Old 02-09-2024, 07:55 AM   #1
Registered: Apr 2017
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How to enforce ComfyUI to use ROCm for my APU?

ComfyUI is a WebUI of an AI graphical app SDiff, Stable Diffusion, which i've maximized to 16GB UMA on my AMD R4750G APU for such an AI app, but setting up everything SDiff on an AMD APU platform is too software faulty which SDiff instead defaults to an NVidia DGPU which an AMD APU is required to encounter much s/w faults before getting to mass products, no matter how powerful h/w an AMD R4750G APU i

Even when i forcely indexed PyTorch to AMD ROCm 6.0.x, it still forcely defaults back to NVidia CUDA or stops setting up due to missing ROCm deps with installing Python PIP requirements for that ComfyUI


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