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Old 04-25-2006, 12:46 PM   #1
Registered: Apr 2006
Posts: 143

Rep: Reputation: 15
How does auto-detect work in Linux?

I install different version of Linux on my machine and I notice that each distro can do auto-detect on my machine. Unfortunately, not everything is detected so I have to play around the configuration to get it to work. What is detected seems to vary from distro to distro.

I am curious, how does auto-detect work? Is it something that's in the kernel? I have tried to do some searches, but I haven't found any material regarding this subject.
Old 04-25-2006, 12:52 PM   #2
Registered: Oct 2005
Posts: 518

Rep: Reputation: 32
You are correct that auto-detect corresponds with a kernel function. Basically, each and every distro possesses a HCL. (Forget what HCL stands for exactly.) But this means that certain distros support different hardware. Kind of confusing considering that different linux distros might run the same kernel but recongizes different hardware. Certain vendors/distros add additional support within the OS regarding the hardware that will be detected and configured without additional configuration.
Old 04-25-2006, 03:35 PM   #3
Basile S.
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It seems to me that current hardware standards, in particular PCI & USB, requires that each hardware identify itself (in a standard way). Assuming it is effectively true (look at the lspci & lsusb commands) the kernel just has to probe the hardware using these standard "probing protocols" -and maybe match them with some internal table.

It was probably more difficult in the good old days of the ISA bus and Linux 1.0 kernel, where the kernel had to guess what the hardware is by "blindly" probing hardware ports... In that time, hardware probing was much less standard.

But I am not a kernel or driver developer.



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