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Having trouble installing a piece of hardware? Want to know if that peripheral is compatible with Linux?


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Old 05-13-2006, 01:02 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2002
Posts: 6

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How do you check hardware/driver status/specs on linux?


I just installed FC5 and the ATI drivers and have realized I have no idea if the drivers are actually working. How would I check that?

More generally? How would I check what type of Mobo or chipset or . . . I have on the system (I mean, I know most of this stuff, but it'd be nice to see them on screen and make sure they're detected properly). Also, how would I check what drivers are running and how well, etc.?

Basically, I need something like windows' device manager (but it's probably won't be that easy on linux).

Any help would be appreciated.

Btw, I'm running FC5 (I doubt this matters)
Old 05-13-2006, 01:28 PM   #2
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you can use 'lsmod' to see all the modules (drivers) loaded. use 'modinfo [moduleName]' to see detailed info about a specific module
'lspci' shows your hardware info. it shows onboard and pci (or agp for video card) hardware such as: sound, network, video, USB controllers.
'lsusb' shows the currently connected USB devices.

also check out the files in /proc/. they contain an excessive amount of information about your running system. for example, 'cat /proc/cpuinfo' shows stats about your cpu. browse that folder and its subfolders and explore it yourself!

NOTE: if you get 'command not found' errors, try running the command[s] as root, or enter the full path to the file.

Last edited by nadroj; 05-13-2006 at 01:29 PM.


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