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Old 06-13-2006, 08:06 PM   #1
Registered: Jan 2004
Posts: 307

Rep: Reputation: 33
how do I update device drivers?

I have a Debian system (started as Kanotix BH9a). I want to upgrade the drivers for the video (i810) and the DVD driver (driver: haven't a clue).

Reason: The video setup gives segmentation fault with several applications and the DVD gives seek errors trying to read disks which read OK in windows using the same DVD drive (dual boot system).

I have recently discovered that these errors do not occur with a new Debian install or with a new Kanotix install. I have tried to build up one of these installs into a replacement system for the old BH9 install but I am having setup problems. One of the issues is that there appears to be a bug in Digikam which is preventing me from getting my Kodak V550 camera to download & until I can get the camera to download I dare not switch to a new system (read: face the wrath of the OTHER USER).

So, I want to try to update the drivers in old system. How do I do this?

Old 06-13-2006, 08:41 PM   #2
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Registered: Aug 2003
Location: Houston, TX
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I am unaware of a bug like that in digikam, but have you tried using gthumb or any other app to import your photos? you don't need to upgrade any video drivers, i'm using the same ones and have no problems. have you check your log files?
Old 06-14-2006, 08:15 PM   #3
Registered: Jan 2004
Posts: 307

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 33
The original digikam bug: only affects Kodak cameras & was caused by Kodak adding extra files for tags & such as part of its 'Easy Share' system. This file had a null exif entry & libgphoto2 crashed as it was not able to handle the null value. It was fixed but now appears to have reappeared. I want to use Digikam because it rotates & store the image based on the exif data plus digikam has a convenient built in image editor & other features. The other user INSISTS on using it so switching applications is not an option.

As I said, the bug was fixed...I upgraded to the fixed version (about ver. 0.8.0, currently have 0.8.1) on the BH9 system. Also had to upgrade to kernel 2.6.13 for the bugfix to work.

It appears the bug has resurfaced, I have added to a report on it by another user. (bug 123530)
Weird thing is; I have tried to duplicate my existing set of applications (kernel 2.6.13, same digikam version, etc.) on the Debian system and on a new version of Kanotix but the bug still persists. I know it is a digikam bug, I can d/l the photos just fine with gphoto2 command line.

I don't think the bug is related to the video driver &/or the DVD driver issues, it's just that that application is critical to me & if I can't get it to work I can't switch systems, so I have to try to upgrade the drivers on the existing system.


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