I have a computer with a 56k dial up external fax modem made by
usrobotics. I am not sure about the model number because it was rubbed off of
the modem. The modem works fine under Windows xp, but in Linux, the
Internet speed is super slow. I talked to someone about this, and he said,
"Get a driver." I am not sure if usrobitcs supports Linux for all of
the modems, and I'm not sure if there is anything I can do because the
model number can't be read on the modem. I think most of the modems do
not need separate drivers, so they aren't being made. Also, I was not
sure what some of the settings should be for the modem. What should the
speed in numbers be set to? I could also try getting the win-modem to
work. I am not sure if that would be faster. It seemed impossible the last
time I tried. Are there any suggestions to get dial up working faster?
It's about 30 seconds to load some web pages.