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Old 04-10-2006, 12:20 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2006
Distribution: SuSE and Debian
Posts: 22

Rep: Reputation: 15
Unhappy How can I install modem?

Hi there,
I've Motorola SM56 Modem and I've SuSE Lnux 9.2 Professional.
I've downloaded this modem driver from motorola official site and followed the instruction that was given in that site and installed the driver.
but my modem does not work at all.
Is there any job that I must do more to make it work?
Old 04-10-2006, 02:58 PM   #2
Registered: Mar 2006
Location: Istanbul, TR
Distribution: Red Hat, CentOS, Ubuntu
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Did you come up with any errors when you installed the rpm? If not, go to YaST->Network Devices->Modem. In "Modem Configuration" do you see your modem? If yes, configure your modem and your ISP.

Else go to Internet->Dial Up->KInternet or Internet->Dial Up->KPPP.

KPPP: Ignore any errors that it gives you. Click on "configure", then switch to "modem" tab, see if your modem is listed there. If yes, switch to "accounts" tab and configure your dial-up settings. If not, in the "modem" tab, click on "new", then switch to "modem" tab, and press "query modem". If you see some AT commands, then the system recognizes your modem. Click on "modem commands". If you see the lines with commands, then you're fine. Leave everything else untouched and exit with clicking "ok" to every dialog. Then in the "accounts" tab, configure your account. When you get back to KPPP's main dialog, you should be able to connect to your ISP.

Edit: Corrected typos and grammar and a few errors.
Old 04-11-2006, 04:26 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2006
Distribution: SuSE and Debian
Posts: 22

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 15
Originally Posted by chief_officer
Did you come up with any errors when you installed the rpm? If not, go to YaST->Network Devices->Modem. In "Modem Configuration" do you see your modem? If yes, configure your modem and your ISP.

Else go to Internet->Dial Up->KInternet or Internet->Dial Up->KPPP.

KPPP: Ignore any errors that it gives you. Click on "configure", then switch to "modem" tab, see if your modem is listed there. If yes, switch to "accounts" tab and configure your dial-up settings. If not, in the "modem" tab, click on "new", then switch to "modem" tab, and press "query modem". If you see some AT commands, then the system recognizes your modem. Click on "modem commands". If you see the lines with commands, then you're fine. Leave everything else untouched and exit with clicking "ok" to every dialog. Then in the "accounts" tab, configure your account. When you get back to KPPP's main dialog, you should be able to connect to your ISP.

Edit: Corrected typos and grammar and a few errors.

Hi there
when I querry my modem it prompts me "The MODEM is Busy"
What is the problem?


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