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Old 11-01-2002, 06:55 PM   #1
Registered: Jan 2002
Location: Montreal
Distribution: Ubuntu 8.10
Posts: 178

Rep: Reputation: 30
Hosed once again

Well, I didn't to myself again. I lost my mouse, from there it opened up Sax. I figured I'd login into Sax and exit properly.

It asked me if I wanted to enable 3D on my card. I have an ASUS AGP-V3800 Deluxe. So of course I wanted to enable it. That is when I lost my XServer. (if that's the right terminology?)

I'm running Suse 8.0, and went to the support, found some info. My card should be supported under XFree86 v4. but I can't Sax2 crashes when it tries to start the XServer. I could sorta get things going through Sax (XFree86 v3.) but I'm stuck at 8 bit, and like 5 colors! And the screen is not centered, bla bla bla.

Now, if I try to access Sax through KDE, I lose my mouse and keyboard function. I have to go into another virtual consol to kill the PID's.

So, basically, I don't know what to do now? I was thinking of takign out my video card, replace it with some other AGP card, let Suse configure it, then replace my ASUS and hope that it configure back to what it was before. Will this work?

Thanks all.

Last edited by Cichlid; 11-01-2002 at 07:59 PM.
Old 11-01-2002, 08:19 PM   #2
Registered: Jan 2002
Location: Montreal
Distribution: Ubuntu 8.10
Posts: 178

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Rep: Reputation: 30
I am able to go through the configuration of Sax2 within KDE. I was able to restore my previous settings. Yetr, when I try to start the XServer to adjust my screen size, I lose my mouse and keyboard. I have a standard PS/2 keyboard and a Logitech Trackman Wheel. The mouse is USB but has an PS/2 adapter on it. Shoudl I just go straigh to USB or does it really matter?

Thanks again.
Old 11-02-2002, 02:04 PM   #3
Registered: Dec 2001
Location: NoVA
Distribution: Ubuntu, Solaris, OpenBSD
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Sounds to me like you may not have the 3d drivers for your system. I don't use rpm based distros if I can help it but I'll bet the best thing to do would be rebuild the source rpms for your system and install the drivers that way. I once used SUSE 8.0 but I gave it away.
Old 11-02-2002, 10:21 PM   #4
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Well, one mistake and kaboom - you shouldn't have enbled 3D support as the XFree86 fell down to 3.3.6 instead of 4.x, it is my undersatnding that you designate to boot into X upon startup, and of course it fails because there is no configuration for X at this point (I mean the XFree86-3.3.6 isn't configured whereis 4.x was configured), so if you can login into console (Ctrl-Alt-F2 for instance) than login as root and run whatever is a configuration tool for X in console mode (sort of XConfigurator on RH systems) in SuSE (I have no clue 'cause I've never used SuSE), if there is no such tool, try running xf86config enter values for your monitor, video card, mouse, etc. And if you've succeeded configuring X at this point try to boot into X again, if it succeeds as well, run sax2 again get rid of 3D support fail over to 4.x and get NVIDIA drivers available from (note the drivers are for XFree86-4.0.1 at least, so they won't work for 3.3.6)
Hope this helps a bit.


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