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Old 12-04-2002, 06:55 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Dec 2002
Posts: 1

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Question High Point 372 Raid and Mandrake 9

I am hoping someone can help me here.

Abit KD7-Raid with Highpoint htp372 controller
2 x identical Maxtor 30Gb hard disks

I have set the hard drives up in a raid 0 array which seems to be functioning perfectly under windows. However my preference is to use Mandrake 9 and herein lies the problem. Installation fails when it tries to detect the hard drives, and istead of coming back with one large raid array, it comes back with an error message for each drive daying that the partition tabes are corrupt. It then brings up the partition manager with two drives with which I can do just about bugger all (cannot even set tp partitions).

Reading the various mails and pages about how to get this to work requires compiling kernel modules and so on. The problem is that I do not have an existing install of linux so this is not possible.

Also, though I am reasonably competant with linux in terms of setting it up and configuring it, much of the termanology used on these pages goes way over my head.

So, having said all that:

Firstly I need to ask if I have provided enough details, or is more required?.

Secondly can someone please provide a simple step by step guide to getting this working (I have looked at but none of the downloads are working)

or , if someone has already got this working, could they put together a disk image (for use with something like rawrite) that I can use to get this thing up and running from boot using an expert install?




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