I have a axispad that is serial with a usb converter. I 'm using it as a usb joystick. In windozes I remember I need drivers for it ( for win 98 and me ). It's like the playstation pab but instead of the start and select buttons it has esc and enter for those buttons. I looked in the redhat linux hardware viewer in KDE, looked under devices, and there it was my axispad but how do I use it? how do I know what file ( like js0, js1 ) it is under? If it's a mod how do I know what mod it is? ummm It's connected to my extra usb port on my KG7-raid motherboard. I read some howto's but they didn't help much

. Hell they did not even cover usb gamepads in redhat. So if anyone have any info for me that I my try drop a line.