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Old 10-29-2002, 06:37 AM   #1
Registered: Oct 2002
Location: Ill
Distribution: Gentoo x86 2006.0
Posts: 89

Rep: Reputation: 16
Help linux knows my usb gamepad. But I don't know how to use it.

I have a axispad that is serial with a usb converter. I 'm using it as a usb joystick. In windozes I remember I need drivers for it ( for win 98 and me ). It's like the playstation pab but instead of the start and select buttons it has esc and enter for those buttons. I looked in the redhat linux hardware viewer in KDE, looked under devices, and there it was my axispad but how do I use it? how do I know what file ( like js0, js1 ) it is under? If it's a mod how do I know what mod it is? ummm It's connected to my extra usb port on my KG7-raid motherboard. I read some howto's but they didn't help much . Hell they did not even cover usb gamepads in redhat. So if anyone have any info for me that I my try drop a line.

Old 10-29-2002, 06:45 AM   #2
Registered: Oct 2002
Location: Ill
Distribution: Gentoo x86 2006.0
Posts: 89

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 16
Ahhh hell. I just read some of the later posts and It seem no one know what to do. I'll just try the load mod hid.o input.o and joydev.o. Oh yeah is it lsmod first and then modprobe next ( lsmod to look for the dev and modprobe to load it ) ? ok will come back tommorrow and see what else I can find on this very help forum :-D

peace out


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