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Old 07-05-2022, 09:11 AM   #1
Registered: Mar 2022
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Distribution: Debian 11
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Hdd partition is full- unable to install any apps

Hi! This Debian 11 is my first attempt to explore Debian and I truly loved it for for its stability and user friendliness.
I was wrong to set the Debian partition of 40GB only.(2.6 Gb/41.8Gb available)
A short while later it seems the hdd is full now. Many apps wont installed.I have removed many unnecessary apps
-yet I still cant install new apps.

What must I do to regain new space or to enlarge the partition.

My desktop pc is grub2win boot manager Windows 10 & Debian 11
Any help is appreciated. Thanks
Old 07-05-2022, 09:50 AM   #2
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first of all you may try
1. clean /tmp
2. run: apt autoremove
3. check which partition is full
4. try to find some "big" files, probably you saved some videos or books or ???
In general 40 GB is more than enough for a standard debian install
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Old 07-05-2022, 09:52 AM   #3
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How did you partition the drive?
Is this a dual boot computer?

The basic system installs in less then 10GB so either you downloaded a lot of stuff or just maybe did not create some partitions with enough space. Post the output of the command lsblk and df -h.

apt clean
apt autoclean

Will clean up the cache and free up space.
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Old 07-05-2022, 12:50 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by handshake92 View Post

What must I do to regain new space or to enlarge the partition.
If you have enough spare space to enlarge the partition I would suggest that you create another new partition instead of expanding the existing one. Then move a portion of the existing partition to the new partition. You could move /home, /usr, or any other directory tree that has a large amount of data.
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Old 07-05-2022, 01:26 PM   #5
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I have around 20 Debian 11 installations. The largest / filesystem for any is 8GB. Most are on 6.4GB or less. All have plenty of freespace. You must have downloaded and installed an awful lot of stuff to fill 40GB. And/Or, you must not have created a separate filesystem for /home, and have a lot of personal data there. I keep /homes on separate filesystems. /var/log/journal is another location where stale files accumulate. If you enabled snapshotting, it's very likely the root of your space problem. Old ones need to be deleted before they run you out of freespace.
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Old 07-06-2022, 07:06 AM   #6
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What I do is start from / and run 'du -sh *'

Go down in the biggest directories. Look after the Gigabytes and the Megabytes will look after themselves .
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Old 07-06-2022, 10:37 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by business_kid View Post
What I do is start from / and run 'du -sh *'
Next time, try ncdu instead.
Old 07-06-2022, 03:36 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by mrmazda View Post
Next time, try ncdu instead.
It's not installed. Might do sometime.
Old 07-06-2022, 11:02 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by michaelk View Post
How did you partition the drive?
Is this a dual boot computer?

The basic system installs in less then 10GB so either you downloaded a lot of stuff or just maybe did not create some partitions with enough space. Post the output of the command lsblk and df -h.

apt clean
apt autoclean

Will clean up the cache and free up space.
Ans: How do i copy the contents from the command "lsblk" and "df-h" and post them?
Old 07-06-2022, 11:25 PM   #10
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Make sure pastebinit (or equivalent substitute) is installed. If it is, then:
sudo lsblk -f | pastebinit
dh -h | pastebinit
will upload them directly to a pastebin. This is best for larger files like journals, dmesg & logs.

Redirecting to a file that can be copied can work too, better for short output typical of lsblk & df:
sudo lsblk -f > somefilenameofyourchoice.txt
df -h >> somefilenameofyourchoice.txt
The first line will put the lsblk output into a file, while the second will add its output to the same file.
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Old 07-07-2022, 12:36 AM   #11
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(cmd 1;cmd2 ; ...) | nc 9999

The parentheses run all your commands together in one subshell, to group the output altogether, and post at one URL.

Research the find command, to use the -size +999M -xdev to find big files
And maybe something like the -mtime in case something made a zillion little new files

Last edited by !!!; 07-07-2022 at 12:42 AM.
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Old 07-07-2022, 11:19 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by pan64 View Post
first of all you may try
1. clean /tmp
2. run: apt autoremove
3. check which partition is full
4. try to find some "big" files, probably you saved some videos or books or ???
In general 40 GB is more than enough for a standard debian install
Ans: With root access-have tried and key-in-
1.clean /tmp
>>key-in at terminal: clean /tmp
>>bash: clean:command not found.

2. run: apt autoremove
>> running: "took very long time "waiting for cache lock: could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend.It is held by process 3755 (synaptic)......

3. check which partition is full
>>have chk /bin, /boot, /dev, /etc, /home. Can't find any big file

4. try to find some "big" files, probably you saved some videos or books or ???

conclusion: Unsuccessful with the outcome. Pls help. Thanks
Old 07-07-2022, 11:52 PM   #13
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Ans: How do i copy the contents from the command "lsblk" and "df-h" and post them?
You should be able to highlight the text in the terminal by clicking the left mouse button, then right click and select copy.
Press the "Go advanced" button and select the balloon (third from the left) which is the wrap in quotes, click the mouse between the two quotes and paste the text.

1. The "clean /tmp" is not an executable command but to actually look in the /tmp directory and actually manually delete files. I would not expect there to be much to actually delete.

2. The "It is held by process.." is synaptic trying to automatically find stuff to update. As soon as it finishes you can run the apt commands.

3. Without seeing the output of the df -h command we can not tell where to look for big files etc.
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Old 07-08-2022, 09:11 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by michaelk View Post
How did you partition the drive?
Is this a dual boot computer?

The basic system installs in less then 10GB so either you downloaded a lot of stuff or just maybe did not create some partitions with enough space. Post the output of the command lsblk and df -h.

apt clean
apt autoclean

Will clean up the cache and free up space.
Ans: My apology for the delay. I have tried "apt clean and apt autoclean but it always shows "0" clean.
What should I do next.thks
Old 07-08-2022, 09:19 PM   #15
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We need to see the output of the df command as posted above.


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