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Old 04-02-2006, 06:14 AM   #1
Registered: Aug 2003
Distribution: Debian, Ubuntu
Posts: 188

Rep: Reputation: 30
HDD failure after shutdown. Umount tmpfs fails.

Hi all,
another strange problem. I bought a cheap new PC (asrock mainboard, 80 GB HDD, LAN, Sound, ... onboard: Nothing special) and installed windows (hda1) and ubuntu (swap: hda2, /: hda3).

All went fine until
1) the system did not shutdown. It wrote:
* Deactivating swap....
umount: tmpfs busy-remounted read-only
After this output, nothing happened until manual reset.
2) Next reboot failed at fschk on root partition: The system demanded root password and asked for manual fsck. I ran fsck from a knoppix cd.

Steps 1) and 2) happen two or three times a week.
I changed the mainboard (another asrock), I changed the hda device (new 200 GB atapi hdd), I installed a dozen new ubuntus but nothing changed.

The new mainboard has two sata controller. I plugged two 200GB discs there and configured them as linux software raid level1. I don't know if this is important.

Does anyone can guess what goes wrong here?
Thank you very much,
Old 04-02-2006, 09:28 AM   #2
Registered: May 2001
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It usually is some process that hasn't finished writing that holds back proper umounting of fses. When you then hard reset the box the "clean" flag on the filesystems wasn't written so on boot it's a sign for fsck it needs checking the "dirty" fses.

umount: tmpfs busy
Until someone has a better idea you could, on shutdown, look for anything that gets closed before this message appears. Reboot and edit the file that takes care of shutting down everything and wedge in a line something like "/sbin/fuser -va /location/of/mounted/tmpfs 1>&2". This will hopefully show what processes still have a hold on tmpfs.


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