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Old 06-22-2006, 11:06 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2006
Distribution: Mandriva
Posts: 16

Rep: Reputation: 0
Hardware conflict - need to change value of sound card register


I have the following problem: I have an Aureal Vortex I (8820) sound
card, and in Linux, I cannot get any sound, or there will be sound for
a few seconds, and it will then cut out. This is likely due to a
hardware conflict, as this is a known problem with this card. In Windows, many have
solved it (including myself) by downloading a program called WPCREDIT,
which allows you to edit the values of certain registers. In Windows,
in this program, I select my audio device, then change register 40 from
"80" to "FF", which solves the problem perfectly. Please visit the following link for a screenshot: on the left, the value at register 40 is "FF", which is the value that fixes the problem; without making any changes, this value is "80", and the sound cuts out. (Please add "www" to the beginning of the following URL; this message board system indicates that I cannot post links until I have made three posts).

Unfortunately, while in Windows I can use WPCREDIT, I do not know how to fix the problem in Linux. Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance for any help,
Old 06-23-2006, 01:17 AM   #2
LQ Guru
Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 6,042

Rep: Reputation: Disabled
Use setpci but be very, very careful.

I suggest writting a bug report at about your problem and fix.


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