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Old 12-23-2006, 12:59 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Dec 2006
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Hardware Checking in linux

i am moin. is any body tell me how i chk the install and not install hadrware in redhat linux 9. what is the process to install a new hardware. if any body can know it. plz inform me
Old 12-23-2006, 05:59 PM   #2
Simon Bridge
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Depends on the hardware... please be specific. Is there something you want to install?

Also read the advice in my sig.

Note: RH9 is legacy - use only if you are prepared to manually maintain the OS.
Old 12-27-2006, 04:10 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
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about Hardware

i just want to install my pci modem for linux 9, can any body tell me just like windows we check hardware which install or which driver not install. same thing i want to understand how i check new hardware or not install hardware. so i can mange it
also tell me how i install the hardware, and how i configure it. i b very thank full if any body tell me its procedure and its commands
Old 12-27-2006, 04:20 AM   #4
LQ Guru
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Look in the HCL list on this site for your modem. Is it a winmodem? They can be very difficult to get to work in Linux because of their incomplete design.

This site might help you out:

For your general question about installing hardware; your first step is usually to determine the controller that the device uses with the command "sudo /sbin/lspci -v". Then locate which kernel module needs to be loaded to control the device. Sometimes, all you need to do is to modprobe that device, it the kernel was compiled with support for the device.

For some classes of hardware, like HP printers, you install a package for support. ( hplip for hp printers ).
Old 12-29-2006, 02:26 AM   #5
Simon Bridge
LQ Guru
Registered: Oct 2003
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Red_moin, to check out the pci modem, open a terminal and enter "lspci" ... look through the output for anything that mentions a "modem" or a "modem controller". This will tell you if the modem is installed.

To be doubly sure - try unplugging the modem - reboot - plug the modem back in - reboot ... RH9 has an autodetect thingy called "kudzu". It will sometimes detect modems and try to set them up. If the boot process is interrupted with a message like "new modem discovered/removed" then your modem is "seen".

However, it is unlikely that kudzu can set up your modem - as it is most likely a winmodem.

RH9 has a wizard - Internet Configuration Wizard. Have you tried that? There is a more general tool call "Network Device Control". Both are in the main menue someplace (understand that it has been a while).

As previously stated - the linmodem project may be able to help you. Specifically, you want the ScanModem script (from a link on the linmodem page). Unpack that script with the fileroller, make it executable, and run it. It does an in-depth analysis of any modems it finds and provides a file of useful information.

To get your modem going, we need that information.

Alternatively - use an internal ISA modem, or an external serial modem. These are supported out-of-the-box by RH9.

Finally - do be aware that there are many linuxes besides RedHat. Many of them have a release "9". So "linux 9" could apply to many distributions. Call it, instead, RedHat 9 or RH9.

Last edited by Simon Bridge; 12-29-2006 at 02:39 AM.


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