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Old 06-01-2006, 11:04 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2005
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Harddrive Problems

Ok, I bought a SATA 150 HD, I installed it and put linux and windows on it. I installed some drivers for my windows partition when I had to reboot, when I did it would "freeze" on my mobo splashscreen or the windows splash screen. I thought it might have been the HD so I booted into linux, I made it in but it froze on me. So I think its the HD now so I plug in my orginal HD, but the same problem occurs. Also while this is happening my mobo makes a 1-2 second beep and just hangs there, with both HD. To top it off the fans and lights on my computer case are working but the DVD,CD, and floppy are not recieving anypower, or it seems that way. So is it my HD's or power supply. Thanks for your help.
Old 06-01-2006, 11:01 PM   #2
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Welcome to LQ. Is the drive jumpered correctly and are all the cable connections seated correctly? If neither Windows nor Linux boots, then your system BIOS is complaining about some sort of basic problem condition. If you specify your exact mobo and/or the BIOS it uses, and the beep pattern that would be helpful.

More info on BIOS beeps here:
Old 06-02-2006, 02:54 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
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My mobo is the ABIT nf7-s2, for the BIOS I am not that sure. Also I unplugged the HD and everything started to work again, the DVD, CD, and the floppy drives. Maybe its the 12v rail or something. I am still looking into it.


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