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Old 10-08-2002, 11:08 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2002
Location: Toronto, ONT
Distribution: Redhat 7.3
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Harddrive error

Recently I installed Redhat 7.3.
I have 2 harddrives, one small (20gb), and one bigger (40gb).

When I installed redhat I could not have the big one connected, because when I had it connected it stopped booting. This is what it did:

"Checking partitions
hdc: [mbr(or something like that] [2451/512] etc
hdd: "

and it stopped right there, when it was trying to load the big drives partitions. I have tried with different filesystems, Raw ( no filesystem ) fat32 and ntsf.. The weird thing is that the small drive had fat32 on it, and it worked..

btw, the small one is master and the big one is slave, but i also tried it with the big one as master, and the small one disconnected.. Didnt work either..

The bios finds both of the drives.

Is it something with the jumpersettings, or some filesystem problem?

I hope I made it clear to you what happened, lol, Im tired..
Old 10-09-2002, 09:18 AM   #2
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Reb - Is this happening when the drives are being probed or when they are being mounted?

What kind of drive is the 40GB? I've had a few of the Quantum drives (15 & 20 GB Fireballs) cause a machine to stop booting while being probed. Never did determine the actual cause but a kernel update did solve it.
Old 10-09-2002, 06:00 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
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Originally posted by mcleodnine
Reb - Is this happening when the drives are being probed or when they are being mounted?

What kind of drive is the 40GB? I've had a few of the Quantum drives (15 & 20 GB Fireballs) cause a machine to stop booting while being probed. Never did determine the actual cause but a kernel update did solve it.
AAAH, its a maxtor quantum fireball.. lol..

K, well... kernel update it is then..
Old 10-09-2002, 06:07 PM   #4
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If it's a newer Maxtro/Quantum it shouldn't be the same kinda problem. I think it was the fireball K (or was it KA) series that gave me grief. I can't look now as they're about a thousand miles away.

Also what kind of motherboard (or drive controller) are you using?


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