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Old 08-03-2006, 10:03 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
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Hard drive upgrading

I have an old 10gb hard drive and I wanted to upgrade and put in a 30gb drive. I put the 30gb drive in the machine as a slave. My Drives are /dev/hda = 10gb original, /dev/hdb = CD-Rom, and /dev/hdc = 30gb.

hda partitions: hda1 = 1gb /boot, hda2 = 8.8gb free space, hda3 = linux-swap 200mb (I think they were around these values)

I used the command: dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdc

Now my 30gb drive has an exact copy of hda.

hdc1 = 1gb /boot, hdc2 = 8.8gb free space, hdc3 = linux-swap 200mb, hdc4 = 20gb free space.

I took out the 10gb drive and put in the 30 and the computer is exactly the same as before, but I want to use the extra 20gb of space. I’m not sure what type of partition to make hda4 (was hdc4). Just experimenting I made hda4 the standard ext3 and then mounted it. It worked, but I have to mount the drive every time I reboot.

Would be nice to have a little more of an explanation if someone would be so oblgiged. I did read and looked around the internet for more help, but most of it is over my head yet.
Old 08-03-2006, 10:20 AM   #2
ReliaFree Maintainer
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What do you want to do, have hda4 mount automatically when you boot? That's what is sounds like to me.

First, create a mount point.
# mkdir /new_20GB_mount_point
Second, edit /etc/fstab to tell the system where to mount it.
# gedit /etc/fstab
Add a line to fstab such as
/dev/hda4  /new_20GB_mount_point   ext3   defaults   0 0
Third, reboot and your new 20GB volume should be mounted at /new_20GB_mount_point.

Here is a short primer on editing fstab.


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