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Old 04-24-2006, 07:03 PM   #1
Registered: Jun 2004
Location: Wantage, NJ
Distribution: Fedora 7
Posts: 177

Rep: Reputation: 30
Gravis MIDI joystick support in FC4

Hey... I have an old joystick I found under my bed... says Gravis on it, but doesn't have a model number or anything. seems useless... only Windows and Mac drivers for anything, even though I don't even know what my product is. Anyway, I think it'd be cool to play some ppracer or something with it. I plugged it in, and after restarting (just did it anyway), I tried it out. No go. Can someone help me set it up? Thanks. Here's some output:

"dmesg | grep game"
gameport: EMU10K1 is pci0000:02:04.1/gameport0, io 0x2060, speed 932kHz

[root@Darkflame dev]# ls
admmidi   dvd        hdb1     loop5    net          ram    ram7                               stdout  tty2   tty32  tty45  tty58    usbdev1.1  vcs8
adsp      dvd1       hdb2     loop6    null         ram0   ram8                               tty     tty20  tty33  tty46  tty59    usbdev1.2  vcsa
agpgart   dvdwriter  hdc      loop7    nvidia0      ram1   ram9                               tty0    tty21  tty34  tty47  tty6     usbdev1.3  vcsa1
amidi     event0     hdd      lp0      nvidiactl    ram10  ramdisk                            tty1    tty22  tty35  tty48  tty60    usbdev1.4  vcsa2
audio     fd         hpet     lp1      par0         ram11  random                             tty10   tty23  tty36  tty49  tty61    usbdev1.5  vcsa3
bus       fd0        initctl  lp2      parport0     ram12  root                               tty11   tty24  tty37  tty5   tty62    usbdev1.6  vcsa4
cdrom     fd1        input    lp3      parport1     ram13  rtc                                tty12   tty25  tty38  tty50  tty63    vcs        vcsa5
cdrom1    floppy     kmsg     MAKEDEV  parport2     ram14  scanner-usb-:proc:bus:usb:001:006  tty13   tty26  tty39  tty51  tty7     vcs1       vcsa6
cdwriter  floppy1    log      mapper   parport3     ram15  sequencer                          tty14   tty27  tty4   tty52  tty8     vcs2       vcsa7
console   full       loop0    md0      port         ram2   sequencer2                         tty15   tty28  tty40  tty53  tty9     vcs3       vcsa8
core      gpmctl     loop1    mem      ppp          ram3   shm                                tty16   tty29  tty41  tty54  ttyS0    vcs4       X0R
disk      hda        loop2    mice     ptal-printd  ram4   snd                                tty17   tty3   tty42  tty55  ttyS1    vcs5       XOR
dmmidi    hda1       loop3    midi     ptmx         ram5   stderr                             tty18   tty30  tty43  tty56  urandom  vcs6       zero
dsp       hdb        loop4    mixer    pts          ram6   stdin                              tty19   tty31  tty44  tty57  usb      vcs7
[root@Darkflame dev]# cd input/
[root@Darkflame input]# ls
event0  event1  mice  mouse0
[root@Darkflame input]#
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Old 04-24-2006, 07:50 PM   #2
Mega Man X
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It has been a long while since I last used a joypad in Linux, but chances are, you just need to load the right modules to get it to work. With my old USB pad, I had to load the following modules (type those at the terminal):

modprobe usb-uhci
modprobe joydev
modprobe hid

That's in the case you have an USB device. If you have an ordinary gameport pad, you may need to load yet another module:

modprobe joydev
mofprobe ns558

Keep in mind that I haven't done this for a long time. Chances are that some of the above won't work for not being compiled on the kernel or turned deprecated. You can always test your pad with:

cat /dev/js0


cat /dev/input/js0

then, press a few keys on your pad. If a lot of weird characters are being displayed on the terminal, then it means that your pad is working. Let me know how it works out. I am really curious to know how much has changed

Old 04-24-2006, 09:22 PM   #3
Registered: Jun 2004
Location: Wantage, NJ
Distribution: Fedora 7
Posts: 177

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Looks like a no-go...

It's not a USB pad, though, it's an old MIDI (I think?) That plugs into the port on my sound card...

[root@Darkflame ~]# modprobe usb-uhci
[root@Darkflame ~]# modprobe joydev
[root@Darkflame ~]# modprobe hid
FATAL: Module hid not found.
[root@Darkflame ~]# modprobe joydev
[root@Darkflame ~]# modprobe ns558
[root@Darkflame ~]# cat /dev/js0
cat: /dev/js0: No such file or directory
[root@Darkflame ~]# cat /dev/input/js0
cat: /dev/input/js0: No such file or directory
[root@Darkflame ~]# ls /dev/input/
event0  event1  mice    mouse0
[root@Darkflame ~]#
Old 04-25-2006, 07:18 AM   #4
Mega Man X
LQ Guru
Registered: Apr 2003
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Hi again!

I've been digging some really old threads in this forum that I've either helped someone with a joypad problem or was asking somebody to help me. Looks like my very first thread here had some hints. Apparently, your modules load just fine. You will need to create an entry to joypad device on the /dev and then link it. Try this:

cd /dev
rm js*
mkdir input
mknod input/js0 c 13 0
mknod input/js1 c 13 1
mknod input/js2 c 13 2
mknod input/js3 c 13 3
ln -s input/js0 js0
ln -s input/js1 js1
ln -s input/js2 js2
ln -s input/js3 js3

That worked for me back in the Mandrake 9.0 days . Reload the modules again after that and then test your pad with the cat command (exactly as suggested in my previous post). I highly doubt that you will need to recompile your kernel to get a pad to work with a moderm distribution as yours.

If the above methods still don't work, all I can recommend you is to check the ALSA documentation about the gameport. They should give you a hand.

Good luck!
Old 04-25-2006, 11:30 AM   #5
Registered: Jun 2004
Location: Wantage, NJ
Distribution: Fedora 7
Posts: 177

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Rep: Reputation: 30
Once again, a no-go....

[root@Darkflame ~]# cd /dev
You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root
[root@Darkflame dev]# mknod input/js0 c 13 0
[root@Darkflame dev]# cd input/
[root@Darkflame input]# ls
event0  event1  js0  mice  mouse0
[root@Darkflame input]# cd ..
[root@Darkflame dev]# mknod input/js1 c 13 1
[root@Darkflame dev]# mknod input/js2 c 13 2
[root@Darkflame dev]# mknod input/js3 c 13 3
[root@Darkflame dev]# ln -s input/js0 js0
[root@Darkflame dev]# ln -s input/js1 js1
[root@Darkflame dev]# ln -s input/js2 js2
[root@Darkflame dev]# ln -s input/js3 js3
[root@Darkflame dev]# modprobe usb-uhci
[root@Darkflame dev]# modprobe joydev
[root@Darkflame dev]# modprobe hid
FATAL: Module hid not found.
[root@Darkflame dev]# modprobe joydev
[root@Darkflame dev]# modprobe ns558
[root@Darkflame dev]# cat /dev/js0
cat: /dev/js0: No such device
[root@Darkflame dev]# ls
admmidi    log          ram13                              tty23  tty6
adsp       loop0        ram14                              tty24  tty60
agpgart    loop1        ram15                              tty25  tty61
amidi      loop2        ram2                               tty26  tty62
audio      loop3        ram3                               tty27  tty63
bus        loop4        ram4                               tty28  tty7
cdrom      loop5        ram5                               tty29  tty8
cdrom1     loop6        ram6                               tty3   tty9
cdwriter   loop7        ram7                               tty30  ttyS0
console    lp0          ram8                               tty31  ttyS1
core       lp1          ram9                               tty32  urandom
disk       lp2          ramdisk                            tty33  usb
dmmidi     lp3          random                             tty34  usbdev1.1
dsp        MAKEDEV      root                               tty35  usbdev1.2
dvd        mapper       rtc                                tty36  usbdev1.3
dvd1       md0          scanner-usb-:proc:bus:usb:001:006  tty37  usbdev1.4
dvdwriter  mem          sequencer                          tty38  usbdev1.5
event0     mice         sequencer2                         tty39  usbdev1.6
fd         midi         shm                                tty4   vcs
fd0        mixer        snd                                tty40  vcs1
fd1        net          stderr                             tty41  vcs2
floppy     null         stdin                              tty42  vcs3
floppy1    nvidia0      stdout                             tty43  vcs4
full       nvidiactl    tty                                tty44  vcs5
gpmctl     par0         tty0                               tty45  vcs6
hda        parport0     tty1                               tty46  vcs7
hda1       parport1     tty10                              tty47  vcs8
hdb        parport2     tty11                              tty48  vcsa
hdb1       parport3     tty12                              tty49  vcsa1
hdb2       port         tty13                              tty5   vcsa2
hdc        ppp          tty14                              tty50  vcsa3
hdd        ptal-printd  tty15                              tty51  vcsa4
hpet       ptmx         tty16                              tty52  vcsa5
initctl    pts          tty17                              tty53  vcsa6
input      ram          tty18                              tty54  vcsa7
js0        ram0         tty19                              tty55  vcsa8
js1        ram1         tty2                               tty56  X0R
js2        ram10        tty20                              tty57  XOR
js3        ram11        tty21                              tty58  zero
kmsg       ram12        tty22                              tty59
[root@Darkflame dev]# cat /dev/js1
cat: /dev/js1: No such device
[root@Darkflame dev]# cat /dev/js2
cat: /dev/js2: No such device
[root@Darkflame dev]# cat /dev/js3
cat: /dev/js3: No such device
[root@Darkflame dev]# cat /dev/js4
cat: /dev/js4: No such file or directory
[root@Darkflame dev]# cat /dev/js0
cat: /dev/js0: No such device
[root@Darkflame dev]# cd input/
[root@Darkflame input]# ls
event0  event1  js0  js1  js2  js3  mice  mouse0
[root@Darkflame input]#
Should I restart or something?
Old 04-25-2006, 12:21 PM   #6
Mega Man X
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Take a look in here as well. It's for an older kernel, but we never know
Old 04-25-2006, 01:01 PM   #7
Registered: Jun 2004
Location: Wantage, NJ
Distribution: Fedora 7
Posts: 177

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just needed to

modprobe analog

Thank you so much!!

yayyy old joysticks that bring gaming joy!!
Old 04-25-2006, 01:13 PM   #8
Mega Man X
LQ Guru
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Rep: Reputation: 65
Cool! Congratulations and happy gaming mate



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