gl Problem / Driver Problem
I have a Nvidia 5700LE,
i imnstalled Xgl and after smoe tmis fuzting around with it, i noticed that i do not get 3D acceleration.
in Sax2 it is checked and i installed the latest driver form nvidia.
here are the symoptons.
~ I get a No 3D accel Warning when going to play games.
~ When playing a 3d game it laggs
~ the game it'self is "transparent" with the desktop windows and icons.
~ when xgl is disabled and using xorg, games run fine AFTER i reload the nvidia driver ( and the warning goes away)
~ once i turn xgl on again, the messages come back, and 3d is omnce agian disabled.
~~ when i tunr on xgl and reload the driver after it has disabled it, nthgin happens when i relog in.
any suggestions??
thanks in Advance, Kevin