Getting a widescreen monitor to display the correct aspect ratio
I've installed a new 1900x1200 monitor, but cannot seem to get the X display set correctly - the aspect ratio is wrong. I'm running Redhat 9, and have a NVidia GeForce 4 card with the latest driver from I've manually edited /etc/X11/XF86Config so that "1900x1200" is an available option under System Settings -> Display, and selecting that option has *almost* worked, but not quite: it seems that the actual display I end up with is only 1600x1200. I've also tried to compensate by entering false vert and horz. dpi values, but with no luck. Interestingly, if I select a lower resolution in System Settings -> Display, such as 1280x1024, and then restart X, the 1900x1200 option is gone and I have to go back and edit XF86Config again. So somehow the OS seems to want to max out at 1600x1200.
Is there a way to make this work? (There must be, right? ;-)
Thanks in advance,
David Windt