I'm running an AMD64 3800+ dual core on an Asus MB with 4GB or RAM.
I'm trying to add a Haupagge WinTV-PVR 550MCE video capture card to my system and have tried to do a complete new installation of the Linux OS but as soon as the installation starts, it locks up with a kernel freeze message. This happens both with CentOS 5.0 and Debian Etch (netinstall).
The same thing happens when I substitute a Happagge WinTV-PVR 250 card. The cards work fine under Win2000.
I've been trying these cards since they were specifically mentioned in articles about installing MythTV and, in fact, when I tried installing MythDora, there wasn't any problem.
There's no problem if I take the card(s) out; the existing CentOS 5.0 and Etch installations work fine. But then how do I get them working in the system?
I have a little experience doing things in the terminal window, but if you tell me to "just grep this" or "gronk that", you're gonna lose me.
Thanks for any help you can provide.