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Old 03-23-2006, 04:54 PM   #1
Registered: Apr 2005
Location: Canada
Distribution: Slackware 12
Posts: 184

Rep: Reputation: 30
GATOS drivers vs ATi drivers

I have an ATi AIW x800LT video card. In order to get my TV to work I need to install the GATOS drivers. What I'm wondering is how do the GATOS drivers perform with 3D acceleration? That is if they support it at all.

My next question stems from the first. If the GATOS drivers aren't that great with 3D acceleration performance, is there any way to get both the GATOS drivers and ATi drivers working together?

My last question, can I install both drivers at the same time? If my second question is not feasible, I'm wondering if you can install both drivers and then switch between them. For example, when playing a game I set my drivers to ATi by ending X and changing my xorg.conf and change it back when I'm done.
Old 03-24-2006, 01:14 AM   #2
Registered: Mar 2006
Distribution: Give me Slack or give me death.
Posts: 81

Rep: Reputation: 60
I don't know anything about these particular drivers, so I can't answer much of this, but in general, if you have two drivers that will work with your video card you should be able to shut down X, edit the configuration, then restart with the other drivers whenever you want to. You can do this and test the 3d performance yourself. Hope this helps.
Old 03-25-2006, 12:09 PM   #3
Registered: Apr 2005
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Distribution: Slackware 12
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Thanks for the reply, I got the ATi drivers installed and running now so will try and install the GATOS drivers soon.

One question though, I need to download the driver, but I don't see a download for the X.Org version I am running. I'm running X.Org 6.8.2 and I only see a version for X.Org 6.7.0 . If I download the X.Org 6.7.0 version will it work with X.Org 6.8.2?
Old 06-24-2006, 04:55 PM   #4
Registered: Oct 2003
Location: Oak Harbor, WA
Distribution: Debian Unstable
Posts: 94

Rep: Reputation: 16

gaots drivers cannot co exist with ati's. So you will have to unload FGLRX and load the the gatos drm in order to make gatos work (with crossed fingers.) The best thing to do is to get 7.0 which has the gatos drivers preinstalled.


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