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Old 02-18-2023, 11:46 AM   #31
Mister Genero
Registered: Mar 2021
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Gentoo is switching over to 6.1.12, so that makes things easier for me.
I went ahead and created branch '5.15.x' on github for the 5.15.x kernel. (It can probably be dropped into most 5.x kernels, but I'll leave the exercise of going back and testing each and every version to somebody else.)
At the time I'm writing this message, 5.15.x is identical to the main branch, but soon I'm going to be updating main to work with 6.1.12. Unless I run into issues with that kernel in general, further development will likely happen there and not on 5.15.x.

I'll post when there's a version for 6.1.x.

Just so everybody's clear: I'm doing this sort of as a side hobby. You don't owe me anything, and I don't owe you anything. I have zero objections listening to suggestions and requests - that's part of it all - so feel free to ping me with whatever. And code contributions are welcome but not required. I don't promise I'll do anything, mind you.
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Old 02-19-2023, 06:03 AM   #32
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Starred the github repo and watching this ever closer .

Wonder how the 5.x / 6.x thing will function?
Old 02-26-2023, 06:02 PM   #33
Mister Genero
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Updated for 6.1.12

Sorry for the delay, I was waiting until I had time to sit down and do it, and then when I finally did it turned out to be pretty trivial.

As for different versions: from github, select a branch. 5.15.x -> for kernels v5, main -> for kernels v6.

My Wifi stopped working on kernel 6 (almost certainly a compile option I need to go back and change), so after testing that the scroll wheel worked, I booted back up in 5.15.80 so I could push the update to github. In addition to incorporating the minor v6 differences, I also moved the hardware probe down after the Kensington Thinkmouse probe. According to the comments, the Synaptics probe messes up the Kensington Thinkmouse, and guess what - I use the same probe.

This is one of those insignificant details that will affect absolutely nobody here, but it's precisely for this sort of thing that I had put the DMI check in for.
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Old 06-02-2023, 10:40 PM   #34
Mister Genero
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Update: I've loosened the DMI check - now it just makes sure the manufacturer is Fujitsu. Full model # checking can be re-enabled with a #define value.

I've made the tuning parameters configurable at runtime. You can read/write values to

While I was taking care of that stuff I also made a tweak to motion calculations because of an issue somebody reported on github when they cranked the parameters to extremes. At first glance, it seems like I got it right, but then at first glance the old way looked fine too, and I'm more focused on the other stuff right now. I can revisit if needed.
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Old 06-03-2023, 08:34 AM   #35
LQ Newbie
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Thank you for the update and my apologies for disappearing! I actually am abroad right now without my Fujitsu, so I am unable to test it, but I will in a few months.

In the mean time, if any of you happen to be in Belgrade, Serbia this summer and want to have the first ever Fujitsu Lifebook Scrollwheel meet up, let me know.
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Old 06-03-2023, 10:34 PM   #36
Mister Genero
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Hey, we have lives, and all of this is about a small circular depression on our laptops. It's not like anybody was paying you to beta test. As for Belgrade, well, I'm going to be stateside for the foreseeable future, but the thought is appreciated.
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Old 06-04-2023, 03:46 PM   #37
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As the matter of fact I am some 100ish km from Belgrade and in Serbia for the forseable future, we could arrange something?

@Mister Genero, video link counts just as physical apperance, heck we could even make a stream on some platform and link it here?

How cool would that be?
Old 06-05-2023, 05:20 AM   #38
LQ Newbie
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@SCerovec, as a matter of fact I couldn't help but notice that you had 'Србија' as your location, which is why I thought to ask. Anyway, that sounds excellent to me. I'll be in Belgrade during the second half of July, with a possible day trip to Novi Sad. Perhaps I will also invite some friends who are Linux fans themselves.

We can also indeed arrange something virtual so you can make an appearance, @Mister Genero!
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Old 06-06-2023, 08:20 PM   #39
Mister Genero
Registered: Mar 2021
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I've been known to click on a Zoom link or two.

In the meantime, I've asked the maintainer of the psmouse module about what it'd take to get this included into the kernel. No response yet, but I imagine that person is rather busy. I encourage folks to play around with the fujitsu_* settings, maybe we can find some better defaults (I seem to like the wheel more sensitive than others).
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fujitsu, mouse, scroll

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