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Old 02-18-2004, 12:51 PM   #1
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ftape problems

i'm trying again to configure my colorado t3000
for the software end of the deal i've done so far:
coompiled and installed the ftape drivers that came with the kernel (linux-2.4.24)
Module Size Used by
zft-compressor 16656 -1 (unused)
zftape 61696 -1 [zft-compressor]
running taper, ftformat, etc.. gives the following error

Error opening tape device read-only: No such device or address

or something along those lines

i looked at /proc/ftape, it shows the following:
Kernel Driver

version : ftape v3.04d 25/11/97
used data rate: 500 kbit/sec
dma memory : 96 kb
debug messages: informational

Tape Drive

vendor id : 0xffffffff
drive name: Unknown
wind speed: 0 ips
wakeup : Unknown
max. rate : 0 kbit/sec

FDC Controller

FDC type : i82077AA
FDC base : 0x3f0
FDC irq : 6
FDC dma : 2
FDC thr. : 8
max. rate : 500 kbit/sec

Tape Cartridge


History Record

FDC isr statistics
id_am_errors : 0
id_crc_errors : 0
data_am_errors : 0
data_crc_errors : 0
overrun_errors : 0
no_data_errors : 0
retries : 0

ECC statistics
crc_errors : 0
crc_failures : 0
ecc_failures : 0
sectors corrected: 0

tape quality statistics
media defects : 0

tape motion statistics
repositions : 0

tried to compile the latest ftape source and get the followin stderr output
ftape_syms.c:58:1: warning: pasting "(" and "ftape_get_bad_sector_entry" does not give a valid preprocessing token
ftape_syms.c:59:1: warning: pasting "(" and "ftape_find_end_of_bsm_list" does not give a valid preprocessing token
ftape_syms.c:61:1: warning: pasting "(" and "ftape_set_state" does not give a valid preprocessing token
ftape_syms.c:63:1: warning: pasting "(" and "ftape_seek_to_bot" does not give a valid preprocessing token
ftape_syms.c:64:1: warning: pasting "(" and "ftape_seek_to_eot" does not give a valid preprocessing token
ftape_syms.c:65:1: warning: pasting "(" and "ftape_abort_operation" does not give a valid preprocessing token
ftape_syms.c:66:1: warning: pasting "(" and "ftape_get_status" does not give a valid preprocessing token
ftape_syms.c:67:1: warning: pasting "(" and "ftape_enable" does not give a valid preprocessing token
ftape_syms.c:68:1: warning: pasting "(" and "ftape_disable" does not give a valid preprocessing token
ftape_syms.c:69:1: warning: pasting "(" and "ftape_destroy" does not give a valid preprocessing token
ftape_syms.c:70:1: warning: pasting "(" and "ftape_calibrate_data_rate" does not give a valid preprocessing token
ftape_syms.c:71:1: warning: pasting "(" and "ftape_get_drive_status" does not give a valid preprocessing token
ftape_syms.c:73:1: warning: pasting "(" and "ftape_reset_drive" does not give a valid preprocessing token
ftape_syms.c:74:1: warning: pasting "(" and "ftape_command" does not give a valid preprocessing token
ftape_syms.c:75:1: warning: pasting "(" and "ftape_parameter" does not give a valid preprocessing token
ftape_syms.c:76:1: warning: pasting "(" and "ftape_ready_wait" does not give a valid preprocessing token
ftape_syms.c:77:1: warning: pasting "(" and "ftape_report_operation" does not give a valid preprocessing token
ftape_syms.c:78:1: warning: pasting "(" and "ftape_report_error" does not give a valid preprocessing token
ftape_syms.c:79:1: warning: pasting "(" and "ftape_door_lock" does not give a valid preprocessing token
ftape_syms.c:80:1: warning: pasting "(" and "ftape_door_open" does not give a valid preprocessing token
ftape_syms.c:81:1: warning: pasting "(" and "ftape_set_partition" does not give a valid preprocessing token
ftape_syms.c:83:1: warning: pasting "(" and "ftape_ecc_correct" does not give a valid preprocessing token
ftape_syms.c:84:1: warning: pasting "(" and "ftape_read_segment" does not give a valid preprocessing token
ftape_syms.c:85:1: warning: pasting "(" and "ftape_zap_read_buffers" does not give a valid preprocessing token
ftape_syms.c:86:1: warning: pasting "(" and "ftape_read_header_segment" does not give a valid preprocessing token
ftape_syms.c:87:1: warning: pasting "(" and "ftape_decode_header_segment" does not give a valid preprocessing token
ftape_syms.c:89:1: warning: pasting "(" and "ftape_write_segment" does not give a valid preprocessing token
ftape_syms.c:90:1: warning: pasting "(" and "ftape_loop_until_writes_done" does not give a valid preprocessing token
ftape_syms.c:91:1: warning: pasting "(" and "ftape_hard_error_recovery" does not give a valid preprocessing token
ftape_syms.c:93:1: warning: pasting "(" and "fdc_infos" does not give a valid preprocessing token
ftape_syms.c:94:1: warning: pasting "(" and "fdc_register" does not give a valid preprocessing token
ftape_syms.c:95:1: warning: pasting "(" and "fdc_unregister" does not give a valid preprocessing token
ftape_syms.c:96:1: warning: pasting "(" and "fdc_disable_irq" does not give a valid preprocessing token
ftape_syms.c:97:1: warning: pasting "(" and "fdc_enable_irq" does not give a valid preprocessing token
ftape_syms.c:99:1: warning: pasting "(" and "ftape_vmalloc" does not give a valid preprocessing token
ftape_syms.c:100:1: warning: pasting "(" and "ftape_vfree" does not give a valid preprocessing token
ftape_syms.c:101:1: warning: pasting "(" and "ftape_kmalloc" does not give a valid preprocessing token
ftape_syms.c:102:1: warning: pasting "(" and "ftape_kfree" does not give a valid preprocessing token
ftape_syms.c:103:1: warning: pasting "(" and "fdc_set_nr_buffers" does not give a valid preprocessing token
ftape_syms.c:104:1: warning: pasting "(" and "fdc_get_deblock_buffer" does not give a valid preprocessing token
ftape_syms.c:105:1: warning: pasting "(" and "fdc_put_deblock_buffer" does not give a valid preprocessing token
ftape_syms.c:107:1: warning: pasting "(" and "ftape_format_track" does not give a valid preprocessing token
ftape_syms.c:108:1: warning: pasting "(" and "ftape_format_status" does not give a valid preprocessing token
ftape_syms.c:109:1: warning: pasting "(" and "ftape_verify_segment" does not give a valid preprocessing token
ftape_syms.c:111:1: warning: pasting "(" and "ftape_ecc_set_segment_parity" does not give a valid preprocessing token
ftape_syms.c:112:1: warning: pasting "(" and "ftape_ecc_correct_data" does not give a valid preprocessing token
ftape_syms.c:115:1: warning: pasting "(" and "ftape_trace_call" does not give a valid preprocessing token
ftape_syms.c:116:1: warning: pasting "(" and "ftape_trace_exit" does not give a valid preprocessing token
ftape_syms.c:117:1: warning: pasting "(" and "ftape_trace_log" does not give a valid preprocessing token
ftape_syms.c:118:1: warning: pasting "(" and "ftape_tracings" does not give a valid preprocessing token
ftape_syms.c:119:1: warning: pasting "(" and "ftape_function_nest_levels" does not give a valid preprocessing token
In file included from /root/linux-2.4.24/include/linux/fs.h:12,
from /root/linux-2.4.24/include/linux/capability.h:17,
from /root/linux-2.4.24/include/linux/binfmts.h:5,
from /root/linux-2.4.24/include/linux/sched.h:9,
from ../../include/linux/ftape.h:35,
from ftape_syms.c:32:
/root/linux-2.4.24/include/linux/wait.h: In function `__add_wait_queue_tail':
/root/linux-2.4.24/include/linux/wait.h:220: warning: implicit declaration of function `list_add_tail'
In file included from ftape-tracing.h:35,
from ftape_syms.c:33:
../lowlevel/ftape-init.h: In function `ft_sigtest':
../lowlevel/ftape-init.h:70: structure has no member named `signal'
../lowlevel/ftape-init.h:71: warning: control reaches end of non-void function
make[2]: *** [ftape_syms.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [modules] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2

that does not include the parts of the compile that reported no warnings or errors...

on the hardware side, the drive is plugged into the floppy controler along with a floppy drive, when a tape is inserted it the drive winds the tape and the light begins to flash slowly... when the tape is removed, the lite usually goes out
sometimes howver the light will just start blinking more quickly

what is going wrong, is it me? my computer? the tape cartrige itslef? any help would be appreciated


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