Can someone offer guidance so that I install fresh using my new SSD hardware?
I have Linux installed to my laptop HDD.
prompt $ mylsblk
sda 931.5G
├─sda1 vfat 16G bios_grub
├─sda2 vfat /boot/efi 1G -EFI
├─sda3 ext4 /wrk 391.6G myWork
├─sda4 ext4 /home 100G myHome
├─sda5 swap [SWAP] 12G mySwap
├─sda6 ext4 /boot 1G myBoot
├─sda7 ext4 /var 30G myVar
├─sda8 ext4 / 80G myRoot
└─sda9 ext4 /vault 300G LnxVault Vault
I've added a 256GB SSD to the workstation, made a partition table, and some partitions to prove that the install worked as expected. I plan to re-init the SSD during the fresh install.
prompt $ mylsblk
sdb 238.5G
├─sdb1 vfat 512M SSD_EFI EFI Partition
├─sdb2 vfat 15.3G SSD_FAT32
└─sdb3 ext4 222.7G SSD_Ext4
This SDD should easily accept a full install of my favorite distribution.
I have other questions about "frequent write" spaces such as
(I know to avoide
swap and similar on SSD.)
I plan to continue use of
/home and other "my data" spaces from the HDD.
Both drives have GUID Partition Tables (GPT)
- Linux Mint 19.3 w/ Cinnamon DE
- HDD only workstation
- Linux Mint 20.x w/ Cinnamon DE
- HDD + SSD workstation
Thanks in advance,
~~~ 0;-Dan