format DVD for UDF works but DVD is bad
SuSE linux 2.4.20-4GB
udftools-1.0.0b2 (according to man mkudffs)
I use mkudffs --udfrev=0x0150 --vid="MYLABEL" --lvid="MYLABEL"
to format a DVD for UDF. The format works fine and if I mount/list the contents of the DVD it looks like a blank disc with my label, but if I try to write a file to the DVD it will fail with an input/output exception/error.
I do think the media itself is bad as I tried formatting it on other OSs and it also fails.
Is there any way with mkudffs or another UDF or linux command to check the DVD media to see if it is OK, instead of stumbling onto it later when a write fails ?