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Old 08-25-2020, 07:16 AM   #16
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You are most welcome. Best of luck getting this resolved.
Old 08-27-2020, 12:17 PM   #17
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FWIW, I too run a GT 710 with a mixture of 32- and 64-bit Puppies. The 32-bitzers run the 390.192 Nvidia driver, that being the last 32-bit version available. The 64-bitzers are currently running the 440.64 driver - few months since I last updated, but as everything runs fine, I may not bother updating for a while.

I'm basically a Chrome man, and have been ever since Sep 2008, when the Chrome 'beta' test program began. I'd been a staunch FF user till that point in time, but FF had serious memory leak issues just then, along with a disturbing tendency to crash dozens of times a day, seemingly on a whim. It got old, fast. Chrome was in those days lightweight, searingly fast, and dead reliable.

Since Quantum I'm as happy to use FF as Chrome, because there's very little to choose between them now. I run both Quantum "current" and ESR, and both allow tab 'dragging' with no issues. However, I also run just a single monitor.....


Last edited by Mike_Walsh; 08-27-2020 at 12:19 PM.
Old 08-31-2020, 03:56 PM   #18
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Mike Walsh - thanks for your suggestions about Chrome. I've thought about Chrome and may end up going to that as I'm doubful Mozilla is going to put much of a priority on this issue. There has been no movement or commentary on my bug report since posting a week ago. My only hesitation with Chrome is Google use of that browser to collect personal information for later resale to purveyors of fine merchandise. Supposedly, Firefox did not collect such data (although if one uses to search ...). Nevertheless, I may give it a shot as I increasingly get warnings from web servers that my browser is outdated.

I have no problem dragging Firefox tabs if not using Xinerama. I would have hoped that would have been enough of a clue to inspire some investigation at Mozilla. NVIDIA is a pretty widely used graphics chipset and I'm sure I'm not the only Linux user using Xinerama.
Old 09-04-2020, 03:47 AM   #19
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If your xorg.conf file has any section in it other than device, monitor, screen or serverlayout, e.g. mouse or keyboard or fonts, try removing those sections. Xorg autoconfig ought to handle those well enough.
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firefox, kde 4.14.3, nvidia geforce

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