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Old 02-14-2023, 09:46 PM   #1
Timothy Miller
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Finally got me some QCNFA765's in!!

So, been needing to upgrade some older AX200 wireless cards on a couple laptops. Given I already had several AX210's, I really wanted something else, but the Qualcomm/Atheros QCNFA765 is hard to find, and the MediaTek/AMD 7922A/RZ616 is hard to find and expensive when you find it. So found a few QCNFA765's on aliexpress, ordered them.

So, if you're looking to order some, be sure to check your laptop. These cards require an E-key WLAN slot, not an A-key WLAN slot. For instance, my ThinkPad T14 G1 AMD, ThinkPad T14 G2 AMD, ThinkPad L14 G1 AMD all had A-key WLAN slots. However, my Inspiron 7415 2-in-1, Inspiron 5425, and Lenovo K14 G1 AMD all have the E-key WLAN slots. So got them installed on a couple of the laptops that have E-keys, and have moved around those WLAN cards (which were all A+E-key) so that all my Wifi is 6E cards (not that I can test if 6E works, as my AP is 6). I do have to say, I REALLY love the performance of the QCNFA765 (running it on OpenSUSE Tumbleweed (technically 725, but that's just the soldered version of the 765), Debian 12, and EndeavourOS).

Just wanted to post so if anyone is looking to get one of these, you're aware of the limitation.
Old 02-15-2023, 12:23 PM   #2
Registered: Oct 2007
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Not sure what A-key vs E-key means, but I found out the QCNFA765 uses m.2. Since you didn't provide a link, looky here:

Qualcomm QCNFA765 Wi-Fi 6E BT 5.2 M.2 2230 Module User Manual
Old 02-15-2023, 12:46 PM   #3
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Pretty cool stuff guys and thanks for posting.
I'm very interested as I've received a few 6E WAPs but no lappies with 6E yet to test with.

Were the inbuilt antennas replaced and where to get them from too please?

Last edited by yvesjv; 02-15-2023 at 12:57 PM.
Old 02-15-2023, 08:02 PM   #4
Timothy Miller
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Originally Posted by verndog View Post
Not sure what A-key vs E-key means, but I found out the QCNFA765 uses m.2. Since you didn't provide a link, looky here:

Qualcomm QCNFA765 Wi-Fi 6E BT 5.2 M.2 2230 Module User Manual
A & E key are the keying on the m.2 slot on the board and the card. Such as m.2 NVMe drives are M-key, m.2 SATA are B+M-key. MOST wireless cards are A+E key, these are E-key only. Boards are hit and miss, seems about 50% are A-key (which these cards WILL NOT fit in) while the other 50% are E-key (which these will fit in). Stupidly both keys mean the same thing, PCIe x2 + USB bus. So not sure why they have 2 identical keys that make hardware incompatible, but they whatever.

Originally Posted by yvesjv View Post
Pretty cool stuff guys and thanks for posting.
I'm very interested as I've received a few 6E WAPs but no lappies with 6E yet to test with.

Were the inbuilt antennas replaced and where to get them from too please?
No, I never replace antennas, as there's just not enough to gain by doing so unless you're coming from a VERY old tech card; since all (current) m.2 cards have the same connectors.

Last edited by Timothy Miller; 02-15-2023 at 08:03 PM.
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