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Old 05-20-2003, 04:51 AM   #1
Mega Man X
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Exclamation Few more hardware issues

Regards to many peoples in this forum, now I can use Mandrake 9.1 and any other distro in my computer without fearing the network menace

Thanks guys. I need a little more help with hardware. I am relatively good with Linux, but when it comes down to hardware, I suck at it.
I'm having these problems:


- I have a DVD Rom (LG) set as Master (supposedly) and a CD Burner set as slave (not sure either, my bios does no says anything and the jumpers from LG are weirdos, maybe both are slaves, or both are masters, I'm not sure. Well, both Win2k and Mandrake see them both anyway. The problem is, I cannot mount it properly. I went to

>> Configuration >> Mandrake Control Center >> Hardware >> Hardware list

There we can mount the CD/DVD Roms as it should be. I've tried all the ways I could and the best was:

DVD-Rom set as CDRom1
CD-R set as CDrom 2

That works(!), but I cannot play DVD-Roms with that. It retunrs an error "could not mount /mnt/dvd". Though, my DVD Rom works as master, or in another words, when I need to install a package, it opens the DVD-Rom and ask to put the CD... that's EXACTLY as I want it to be, but I also wanna read DVD's.

I've changed the DVD-Rom to DVDrom in

>> Configuration >> Mandrake Control Center >> Hardware >> Hardware list

But then I got a big problem... Besides not being able to play DVD's either, my CDburner turns to be as the defaul CD-Rom device... and as so, when I need to install a package, it opens the burner and worse, crashes the system instead of read the CD's...

So, what I need is help to:

1a - Set my DVD-Rom as primary CD-Rom and being able to play DVD's (able to install packages too)

1b - Set my CDBurner as CD rom 2 and that's it Does not even need to burn anything, just don't stay in the way... I will keep burning thru win2k untill I feel more confortable with Linux

P.S: at my /mnt directory I have a lot of useless stuff...


I've tried to much as you guys can see and not I've loads of useless devices there

I have a Sound Blaster Audigy in my computer. All the 4 speakers works greatly, but in:

>> Configuration >> Mandrake Control Center >> Hardware >> Hardware list

I have an unknow device called:

EMU10K2 Audigy Game Port

So, seems like Mandrake is not configuring properly the game port from my sound card. Does anybody has any idea how to fix it so I can use my joysticks thru it?

Thanks a lot in advance and sorry for so many questions everyday. I'm not used to have problems with Linux and my computers, but this one is being harder then birth a child (not that I've done that, but I've been there with my wife and ain't ).
Old 05-20-2003, 06:31 AM   #2
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"could not mount /mnt/dvd" shows that that is where it thinks the dvd i to be mounted, which is specified in /etc/fstab. Where is it current set to mount to? you have cdrom2 and dvdrom, neither of which are "dvd" of course, so pick where you do want it to be mounted and stick with it... as for installing software from it, you don't say what system you are using, but things like that should be trivial enough within the configuration from the program.

What do you mean by "play" dvd-roms? if you mean films, then you should acces the dvd as a block device, i.e. the /dev/ entry, and not the mounted file system.
Old 05-20-2003, 12:53 PM   #3
Mega Man X
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Thanks acid_kewpie for you time. I could get it to finally, work. You were right, it was looking for the right device at the wrong place . I've tried as crazy to set up the jumpers properly, but did not get much lucky. Then I figured out that my bios can decide which one of my Rom medias I wanna be the first or second device. Set the DVD-Rom as First and Linux now also play DVD's . 2 things left, my joystick port and TV-out. After that is good buy MS (perhaps not for games yet).

Thanks again
Old 05-20-2003, 01:41 PM   #4
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As for your joystick, you should be able to run:

/sbin/modprobe joydev
/sbin/modprobe emu10k2
/sbin/modprobe <driver for whatever joystick you have>

This 'SHOULD' work.... give it a go and see what happens. If it does work, then add those lines to your /etc/rc.d/rc.local file, and it will load on boot up.

Old 06-04-2003, 12:36 PM   #5
Mega Man X
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slightcrazed sorry that I did not answer this message. I've not checked this thread for quite a long time.
Thanks, I've got my joystick to work and yes, you were totally right. If i've read this message of your before, should saved me quite a bunch of time into the internet

thanks again


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