Hi, i just installed fedora core about a week ago, and have been trying to find out how to install the cnwl-311 drivers, and get my internet connection up and running. I installed with the option "Everything" and fedora still does not find the hardvare and i have problemms installing the drivers
When i start up the computer both "eth0" and "eth1" "FAILED" (i have 2 net cards, one with a cord and one cordless, i allso have an adsl card installed)
And i'm only using the cnwl-311...
So iv'e been asking around on icelandic forums now for 2 days and got the answer that i could find all the real geniouses here so i'm giving it a shot
I'm looking for somekind of bulletproof stradegy on how to install these drivers and get online, thank you in advance for your help
