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Old 05-04-2006, 03:50 AM   #1
Registered: Aug 2005
Location: Europe
Posts: 63

Rep: Reputation: 15
FC5 installation on sata raid

Heya, I m building a server,
its an Acer g320 with 1x80Gb Sata HDD & 2x250GB Sata HDDs in Raid 1.

I configure the Logical drives in Bios and then Initialize them.
However when I go and install FC5, Anaconda tells me that the tables on my hdd are illeggible and need to be initialised. It tells me this for all 3 drives.

Why does it see 3 drives? Shouldn t it see only the 2 logical drives?
I have to correct the tables because it won t let me proceed otherwise, however I have the feeling that its rewriting the tables that bios configured for the Raid.

I can use Linux software raid, but I d really rather use the HDD raid of the MB.

If anyone could help, it would be great


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