FC5 install thinkpad 600e no network connectivity
I've been trying to install FC5 on a Thinkpad 600e (2645-4AU). I'm installing via a good DVD image.
I can get through the installation process without a hitch (if I pick the right packages), and when I bootup, I have two problems.
1. I don't have network connectivity.
2. Sound doesn't work.
I'm sure I can fix the sound issue. I fixed it with FC4 before, but what's the sense if I can't get the network card working?
The problem does not exist with a fresh FC4 install. I installed it, and networking worked fine.
Installed FC5, and it doesn't work, so I know I don't have a hardware issue.
I've seen indications of networking not working when upgrading to the latest FC4 kernel, but have not personally experienced that.
I've tried two different cards - a Xircom cardbus card, and a 3com 574.
The O/S can't even identify/see the Cardbus card, but can identify/see the 3com.
So, it appears FC5 has an issue with Cardbus.
That's OK, because I prefer to use the 3com.
When I try to activate the 3com card (DHCP), it fails to determine the IP information for eth0.
I noticed on bootup that the system was disabling IRQ 10. After disabling apmd and cpuspeed, I stopped seeing that message during bootup, although it may still be getting disabled.
I tried:
1. Adding irqpoll to grub.conf.
2. Adding acpi=noirq.
3. Disabling cpuspeed and apmd services.
4. Updating the BIOS to the latest (and last) version.
Again, I can duplicate that networking works with FC4 and not with FC5. I've installed/reinstalled both multiple times over the past few days.
Without the network connectivity, I can't download any files to possibly update/apply patches.
I also can't copy and paste any info from the system, since it has no network connectivity.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I'm anxious to "play" with FC5.