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Old 01-05-2010, 11:04 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
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failed PS3 linux install, can i rescue my PS3

Hi guys, I bought a PS3 just after Christmas as I needed a new PC and a console so I thought I'd stick linux on my PS3 and have both.

The first distro I tried was Ubuntu 9.10. I downloaded the otheros.bld file and loaded it onto my ps3 with my usb stick after formatting the hard-drive to allot 10GB to another OS. I then restarted my ps3 using the otheros.bld file and inserted my Ubuntu boot disc.

The bootloader didn't seem to recognize my boot disc so after getting frustrated I decided to try another distro. I went for Yellow Dog Linux.

I downloaded the iso and the otheros.bld file for this distribution and loaded the bootloader again. However this time i didn't format my hard-drive, thinking YDL would use the partition I originally intended for Ubuntu.

When I restarted my ps3 the bootloader ran and everything was going fine until it got to a point where it said "kboot: g..." then "unable to mount g" it just kept repeating this error message.

Now everytime I turn on my ps3 the bootloader starts up and gets to the same point. I'd like to know if anyone knows how I could either successfully complete the install or start the PS3 using it's own operating system?

Thanks in advance, Kells

ps. I wasn't really sure which section to post this in, I hope this section is OK.
Old 01-05-2010, 11:23 AM   #2
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Just to make sure, because you did not mention it, you didn't by a PS3 slim by any chance? It does not support installing alternate OS'es anymore.

Also, it doesn't make a very good PC because of the limited memory and no access to the video memory.
Old 01-05-2010, 11:30 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
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Hi, sorry I should have clarified, it's an old 2nd hand 40gig version. I mainly want it to write some code on, I'm going to be writing some parallel code and fancied trying it using a ps3 and some notes I got off MIT OCW
Old 01-05-2010, 12:33 PM   #4
Registered: Jul 2009
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hi i have ps3 40gig version (modded with 200Gb hdd and have pleasant time installing linux there (needless to say default ydl linux is slow as hell).
So what i learned:
x)to reboot ps3 to default os hold power button until second beep! at boot time(also works if you want switch to s-video/hdmi output)
x)to install ydl you must type ydl kernel image name there(read install instructions on ydl site) or wait(don't press any keys!!) to autoload it. (second attempt of full format ps3 hdd + 10Gb otheros parting do the trick for me.)

Last edited by sunnydrake; 01-05-2010 at 12:37 PM.


linux, ps3, ydl

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